Queue sync communities

I bet you run in premades don’t you.

That explains the state of your account.

Ya queue sync people hate the facts being pointed out to them

Have you guys heard of the product called “friend” it’s a necklace that speaks to you through your phone. i bought it to see if this friends stuff is all it’s cracked up to be.

Probably because I played RBGs, and that for one season. I mean there’s plenty of ways to check people’s ratings. Maybe you’re just too lazy idk

Ahh ok so you got carried that makes sense why you exploit as well. Stay mad bud the baseless insults prove what kind of person you are.

Thanks. I had been reading this thread off and on at work wondering if we were getting back on topic anytime soon.

I’d like to add, several content creators made YouTube and Twitch videos discussing “Is WOW PvP too hard for new players?”, “Is WoW PvP dying?” and “New player PvP experience”. Something that isn’t always mentioned, Random BGs and EBGs are expected by new players to be the entry level content, but they are greeted with GY farming from Queue Sync teams and just random folks alike, Raids on Coms calling targets and strats with expert precision…new players already have dozens of problems to face, I’ll spare you all the 5min read and wont list them. Queue Syncing may just be the nail in the coffin causing a new player to Nope right off to another game.


Imagine going around telling people how he is higher ranking than them multiple times but couldn’t even break out of 1800 last season, now that’s some wild stuff right there.

Yeah he is the worst troll in existence, hands down.

premades were an issue in classic so blizzard went ahead and changed the queue system to try to stop them. it worked, at least last time i played. problem is, they haven’t bothered doing it in retail. cheapskates.

That’s exactly my point. Blizz pays more attention to classic over retail so yeah that kinda sucks.

they aren’t though, new players are in the sub H30 bracket unless they queue with an above H30 friend, all the premades are happening in the main pool.

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Why are you still lying lol the mindless hate is kind of sad man lol

And that excuses abusing an exploit how?

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repeating your lie isn’t going to magically change it into a truth.

What lie? Are raids intended to queue into epics?

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The idea that 30 honor levels is enough time for a fresh player to get on the level of someone on the game for 15 years is kind of a joke though.

Should be the first 100 at least if not more.


lol no it didn’t.

“Stay mad bud”- Guy triggered that he isn’t higher rated than me.

You’re like the human version of a sock stuck in the spin cycle.

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I am higher rated then you lol

Says the guy trying to rating shame and saying, “no you” HAHAHAHA

Believe it or not, it is possible to earn 30 honor levels and still know almost nothing about the game. Theoretically a person could have many more honor levels and never win any content, because honor levels is a participation award not a success metric, unless you were to quantify it with a time frame like I earned X honor levels in Y days or something like that.


Wonder if there is a correlation… :upside_down_face: