Queue sync communities

You literally are trying to rating shame right now, against someone who’s been higher rated than you lmao. There’s several people in each epic community that I know of that also are higher rated than you’ve ever been lmao.

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Where? and cool you are the one trying to claim nonsense lol

Man, I wish I was that higher rated then this dude above me.

I’m quoting you so… good for you I guess?

The insecurity is showing hard again. Oof.

Keep trying bud this just gets sadder and sadder.

Agreed this gets sadder the more you read every single response where you try and be cringely rude to others while defending your “skill” at the game to try and impress or feel bigger than the people you’re condemning for having an opinion.

Grow up or continue to be laughed at. One of the two.

Now your just making stuff up and rambling like a crazy old man lol

YIKES hahahaha self awareness doesn’t exist for you.

challenge failed

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Oof cringe. Imagine trying to rating shame in 2024. You’re stuck in 2009 my dude. A minute fraction of people pvp anymore mostly because of people like you. Toxic people and toxic environment. Wow isn’t a pvp game. It’s a pve game with a pvp side game.

People just having fun in a community and playing together… and here you are trying to mald at them. YIKES.

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blizz will never fix it op, just have to be lucky that you queue into pug v pug

You are the one that rating shaming bud haha I never once rating shamed anyone.

Blizz fixed it once no reason to think they won’t do it again. Just need to bring it to their attention.

I mean you could just check PvP, or stop being lazy and check my feats of strength or whatever. Nothing nonsensical about what I’m saying.

Every. Time.


Just a reminder that he (Thaedreu) made a thread crying about melee in solo shuffle and got skull drug by commenters and did the same defensive “no u” gaslighting he’s done in every other thread he’s been in.

So each time he tries to rating shame someone from an epic community going forward, reference that thread.

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The only solution we can hope for is that Blizzard finally makes unranked battlegrounds cross-faction.


They could also split instance lobbys. 3 minimum BGs fill at the same time, each BG takes no more than 1/3 of its total players within each minute. Fill time increases to 3 minute minimums for the 3 or more groups of player taken, but the first draft puts players in no less than 3 different battlegrounds. Add to that cross-faction and the likelihood of stacking a lobby with queue syncers drops drastically. Likely effectively killing queue syncing. Additionally I would add 20min stacking no queuing allowed debuffs for queue droppers. Miss your queue getting a drink, sorry, 20min wait to queue that content. Habitual dropped queues, the skys the limit on account wide wait to queue time.

You claimed I was rating shaming when I wasn’t. I don’t really care about what you have done lol

2 melees sitting one caster. I know you have a hard time with comprehension but it’s ok. You just got to try harder little buddy.

Also have never once done this, you are the one that rating shammed. Stop projecting.