Queue sync communities

No original thought in that head of yours huh haha

Says unoriginal thought in first comment
Complains about unoriginal thought as response.

Pot meet kettle. Keep losing hard in bg’s I guess?

Kid is the worst troll in existence.

Nothing beats him going into the arena forums crying about getting outplayed and whining about other classes and getting skull drug by all of the arena forum posters.


I don’t troll. But calling someone a troll is more troll then anything lol

Never even done that HAHAHA

Also, I have been higher ranking then you multiple times HAHAHA

How is being 1-time duelist higher then him…multiple times you say? :rofl:

On multiple characters lol and 1800 isn’t my highest bud

Who said 1800 = duelist?

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1800 is his highest so that’s what I am using as reference. Clearly, I am not a duelist one time lol but of course lying and attacking seem to be the only thing you guys can do well.

Tell that to the guy who made Checkpvp website?

Are you broken why are you repeating yourself haha I said you are lying not the website. But of course, the classic deflection. You guys are such faceless drones. Need to get out of that echo chamber you guys are stuck in.

Being 1-time duelist on a single toon must suck so bad cause well I feel your struggle lol.

Lying on a forum must suck. Hope you grow up some day. :slight_smile:

Classic is a game that rewards the people who can just play it the longest.

Quite literally time played is the only thing that matters.

You want the best PvP gear? Oh just in randoms all day like literally ALL day.

You want to raid? Oh just spend hours getting consumables and world buffs cause the raids themselves are faceroll.

Not to mention all that “rules” nonsense going on deviate delight.

Could never take a game like that seriously.

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Weird being this insecure about a video game.


LOL can’t make stuff like this up.

Who wants to do that in 2024 in any game.

Wow is having to move away from that cause it just doesn’t work anymore.

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I’ve literally been 2400 lmao. So no, you haven’t.

Sure bud, lol you still lied about me “crying about getting outplayed” and “whining” about it lol so hard to believe you anyways.

You don’t even have 300 arena wins lol but whatever man

You guys are the best. I love these threads, such good mindless reads;

  • Start with an argument. With evidence.
  • Presented with facts.
  • Discuss the unethical and immoral behaviour of the argument.
  • Re-presented with facts and actual statements from dev.
  • Disagrees with facts.
  • Personal attacks.
  • Random comments
  • More personal attacks

Reminds me of the movie Zoolander; the movie ended with personal attacks “i invented the piano key necktie!”