Queue sync communities

There is no “ad hominem” it’s called an observation of character. But of course, here comes the victim card.

that 5m gap was Freydis googling what ad hominem means.


HAHA yep, the deflecting of course. You’re so easy to read bud. It’s funny how many excuses and attacks you do whenever you are called out. But that’s the typical behavior from people like you. Delusion and self-obsession is a sickness.


The PvP devs explained why they broke oQueue and similar addons — they don’t want premade raids in random bgs because it’s unfair and it drives players away from PvP.

Here’s the sad/funny part:
“We’re just making our stance on the subject clear, so that there’s no room for misunderstanding.”

After reading Blizzard’s explanation about the damage premade raids do to the PvP community, premade raiders still don’t understand.

Or, they pretend they no longer understand.

^ Guess who wrote that. Now consider how much damage has been done by premade raids in epic bgs.


Yeah just a funny coincidence.

Just a coincidence that 20 or 25 out of 40 miss the que who is buying that trash?


Unfortunately I cant say from experience if Queue Syncing is allowed or not, just feels like it shouldnt be. The plethora of threads calling it cheating makes me know some amount of pvp players agree it should be stopped.

Many atrocities in history have been legal in there jurisdictions at the time and most people today agree what was allowed, should not have been. To me, if an action has a victim, the practice should be under review to discuss whether the practice should continue to be permitted. If it is found to be immoral, implement ways to discourage the practice and punishments for those that continue to harm victims. Saying it is fine because it is allowed while players are suffering doesn’t end the debate or console victims.


Are you saying that pugs are the…actual victims in this? :flushed:

The majority of anti premaders are either new to this game or that they just got introduced to BGs at some point still has no idea that queue syncing has been a thing for 20 years now. Where were y’all when Hydra Premade broke out in 2004?

Anyway, feel free to complain all you want for the next 20 years!

guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended

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I’ll just stay better than them for the next 20 years kekw.

Given the game survives that long.

And then once most of them are long dead I’ll still be around along with people my age and we will usher in more solo play after the old resistance is gone.

Premades will lose the long haul selfishness has already taken over most of the planet and this is mostly good.


Yes, they have been a thing blizzard broke an addon that allowed it and asked people not to do it but again… they were few and very far between. The problem is not it’s an all-day ever day problem.

The said addon is pretty much similar to this in-game feature called Quick Join where you could see who ques up what etc as long as they are within the guild/community as yours. It doesn’t even give you any option to que a 40 man raid into the same BG, it’s just all RNG based really so sometimes they get lucky and sometimes they just don’t (it’s called split)

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So, they don’t want raids queueing into randoms… what would it be called to go around that limitation?


Nothing? We que as a 5 man party, that’s it and not a raid so get that into your head already.

Also I should note that due to Classics being out for the last few expansions which means the retail’s playerbase have since gone way down and in turn, you will see almost same retail enjoyers in the BG every time which is pretty unfort so not sure what to tell you here.

Most folks who never played vanilla before decides to try out Classics and then gets hooked to it. Some vanilla folks really enjoys SoD a lot since it provides them more fun content compared to retail, I suppose.
I just wish that Blizz would have paid attention more to retail by giving us a new epic BG map, cross faction que, NPC/vehicle scaling, better rewards and all that fun stuff but nope. Classics win anyway imo.

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But you are exploiting the queue system by dodging queues you don’t get together. Get that into your head. If blizzard wanted this to happen, they would have allowed raids to queue. But you guys don’t care AT ALL about the game. You simply want free easy wins because you can’t cut it in fair fights.


Dunno who you are referring to, but I only play with 4 other friends or less so that’s not my problem.

Heck, I even lost 2 games in a row last night…free easy wins what? Hey you can’t win all so…

Says the guy who copes about an mmo where people want to play with others. Oof. Keep complaining.

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People forget sometimes that all these issues would still be there even if premades were not.

It’s just an overall lack of quality control that makes epics a terrible pvp experience.


You are not wrong there. I was just pointing it out that queue syncing has been a thing since 2004 even though premades are more noticeable now for the last couple years due to retail playerbase shrinking down so all we can hope for the best is getting cross faction BG implemented at some point which I believe will improve the pvp experience by a lot.

Nowhere have I ever “complained” about people playing with others. What I have “complained” about is people exploiting and ruining the game for everyone else.

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Keep coping bud lol