I ran into two bugs during the Kyrian Path of Ascension questline.
During “Humble Gatherer” there was a bug where it would not let me loot a second Depleted Goliath Core no matter how many goliaths I killed, so the fix was to delete the item and reloot from a new mob. That allowed me to turn in the quest.
However, on the following quest it requires you to craft items out of two Depleted Goliath Cores, but I was only able to have 1 with me since I had to delete the item to finish the previous quest.
Now I’m stuck unable to complete the questline and unable to loot the items needed to complete. Abandoning the quest and restarting did not work either since it skipped to the point where I have to craft the items, but I still don’t have the materials needed to craft.
Anyone else find a fix for this?
same… put a ticket in but no reply yet
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Hopefully they see this and our tickets and put out a fix ASAP.
Similar issue, not working. I HAD the quest item when I started in Bastion last week, as it just dropped randomly then disappeared. Assuming this is broken because Blizzard did something to remove it from my inventory somewhere and now I cannot collect the quest item.
What a mess.
UPDATE : In Bastion 31, 23 Coords I killed a goliath and got one of these goliath cores. SO the locations on the map are broken / bogus with tracking. Try this area instead.
Enforcer Asorius dropped this item.*
I also somehow lost the Soul Mirror after I crafted, it seems like it was deleted from my inventory after I logged off.
Any idea where to farm the Soul Mirror Shards? I haven’t been able to get them to drop anywhere.
I seem to have had luck getting shards from the same area as I got the goliath cores, off of the various mobs around the coords I listed.
Were you on “Humble Gatherer” when those dropped or “Your Friend, Dactylis”? My issue is that I’ve already completed Humble Gatherer, and now that I’m on the next quest I can’t get these items to drop again. After hundreds of mobs I’ve had nothing drop.
I was still on Humble Gatherer. See if you can do an item recovery perhaps else I think you’re in for a ticket.
Sadly the items don’t appear in item recovery.
I sent a ticket but no response yet 24 hours later. I know it can take longer.
The GM’s seem to have their work cut out for them and in some instances (by unspoken policy changes to the rest of us) they can’t help or make changes which is increasing ticket times drastically.
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my ticket was answered with go to item recovery… its not there that was the first thing I did lol…so I put another ticket in
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Same issue here, heading to the new coords lsited to farm some and see if the golems drop cores.
I’m also in the same situation - completed Humble Gatherer with 1 item looted, unable to get more to craft.
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I’ve tried farming mobs in a few different locations and can’t get the items to drop. They seem to be removed from the loot table if you’ve already turned in Humble Gatherer.
I followed a post on WoWhead about deleting the items for this quest becauase you’ll end up with one goliath core and the game will not let you loot another. DO NOT delete those cores or anything because once you turn in this quest it breaks the next one for you completely. Blizz basically said this is a bug and we have to wait to have it fixed…
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I’m in the same boat. I’m on the quest AFTER humble Gatherer with only 1 core and they aren’t dropping anymore. I deleted everything hoping it’d somehow reset it but nope. It’s seriously bugged, tried to make a ticket but it wouldn’t go through because Blizzard makes reporting issues like this impossible.
Really hope this issue catches their attention. It makes progression in the covenant questline impossible.
I’ve had another ticket open about this serious bug and it just bumped up from 6 days to 7 days…it sucks that us affected by this bug are being put behind in the covenant questline…