
Will you be added to the covenant renown later in patchs or will it be at 40 for ever, will the armor you get form the covenant be account wide for all class of that armor any planes for something like that

With how dated the mechanics were in vanilla classic and how far we as gamers have come in ability, is there any plans to make raid bosses have more health or do more damage to replicate the difficulty they posed back in 2007? Vanilla classic has shown that even naxxramas was very easy this time around and the raids deserve a tune up.

“since 1.12 classic was so easy. Is there any plan to number tuning in TBC?”

Question I have is where have all the kilts gone, I play a Shaman and I like my Kilts but they don’t seem to be a thing anymore any plans on bring them back or making more. Also can we please fix the belt rendering issues on kilts? So May belts I would like to use but they go right through kilts instead of sitting on top. Should be a quick coding issues to fix that shouldn’t it??

When will Blizz get the warrior ready?

They simply destroyed the class.

Most players are looking forward to world buffs no longer being usable in raids, but there is some confusion as to which patch this was originally implemented & if there are any world buffs (warchief’s blessing, darkmoon faire) that unfortunately escaped this restriction. Could you please clarify the state of world buffs for players at lvl 70?

Will you follow the original progression path with The Burning Crusade? If we have all the original iterations, I feel like we should do so for authenticity.

I can understand why that wasn’t possible for classic wow. But if the opportunity presents itself, please keep it authentic.

Will layering make a comeback on larger servers or any other solution for several thousand players being in a single zone on launch?

The first week of Hellfire Penninsula will be unplayable for the minor faction on large PvP servers and I plan on xferring off if this will be the case for TBC. This will extend into mote farming, entering SSC and a variety of other aspects of the game. Then theres the lag from having so many people in such a small area,

I just want to be able to do some quests while leveling.

Has the dev team thought about stopping making content for retail since it’s already ruined and just making new content for classic? If so, make sure to fire anyone who thought cata and after were good xpacs and hire new devs from there with the first question being about where did blizzard go wrong with wow?

Hi guys,
This is a suggestion about portals in major cities like Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Instead of having great halls with lots of portals, to shadowlands, Pandaria, etc, would it be possible to have just a big one with a destination button or selection NPC to make things simple ? Raise your hand if you have never taken a wrong portal destination. #lessismore #onebigportal.

“Can you connect WOW classic Oceanic realms to US realms please. The PVP pool isn’t large enough”

With how the world pvp went in Classic, along with the cross-realm BGs and Arenas in TBC. Will we finally see PvE->PvP server transfers allowed.

In my case, my real life friends had me roll on a PvE server but no longer play and 95% of PvE servers are heavily Alliance dominated.

Why is Tier 5 locked on release? This is the thing I was most looking forward to, to progress through a double stacked phase. Please explain why SSC/TK are locked on release.

If I chose to go to TBC with my character, will my name be reserved? I don’t want to risk the chance of losing my character name by transferring it to the burning crusade, not getting my name, and then also losing it on the classic servers.

Will name changes be forced for characters who want to stay on classic only servers? I don’t want to log into an alt who will stay in classic and find the name is taken on whatever new classic realm they’re forced to, nor do I want them on a BC realm. It is game-breaking if that could happen.

Will you be nerfing/patching/removing drums?

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Will there be fresh Classic and fresh TBC servers?


Why no fresh servers?

My questions is, are you people at Blizzard insane? What is the definition of Insanity? Answer that, and explain after how you think it is acceptable to implement “LEVEL BOOSTS” into a “CLASSIC” version of a game. Really, I really want you all all at Blizzard understand the true definition of Insanity, and to understand why your “Classic” version of WoW is even played. Let me give you a hint. LEVEL BOOSTS ARE NOT ONE OF THEM! It is a slap in the face to the WoW classic community and a complete disgrace for you to implement Level Boosts in 'TBC CLASSIC".

Q: Will there be at least one fresh PvE server for TBC? I’d prefer to have an economy that isn’t polluted from classic mage farmers