
Is there any plan in the future that we can account transfer from region to another region? From NA to EU the whole account ?

Will you create any fresh TBC servers with the launch of TBC classic?

Are there any plans to address the issue of bots in retail, more specifically in Battle for Azeroth zones that continue to have instant mob respawns that these bots take advantage of? Every bot I come across are druids just sitting in one spot spamming convoke.

Question “What is the no1 game design choice that the team was unhappy about?”

Please change the LFG system. It’s so outdated and it DOES NOT work for arena. The whole thing is always full of people selling rating or asking you to watch their twitch stream for carries. You can’t even play the game. Most of the time is spent trying to find someone to play with for them to just leave after one game or so. Then its back to finding someone which takes hours. This is so broken and unusable. Needs a REDESIGN. PLEASE add something similar to what Overwatch has. Add a SOLO Q PLEASE PLEASE.

What plans does Blizzard have to revamp severely overlooked class specs that received little to no changes with the Shadowlands expansion, such as survival hunter or mistweaver monk? Also: how does Blizzard intend to actively counteract negative stereotypes in the community about these specs, brought on by the lack of love for them between expansions?

What a joke this thread is.

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Wll there be Fresh Servers for Classic TBC?

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Why is there going to be no split between tier 4 and tier 5 content at launch?

Sonoran tacos > rolled tacos

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Wow Classic Question: Why can’t Warlocks farm soul shards from orphans?

QUESTION: What made you decide to require players to delete their vanilla classic character in order to play that character on tbc classic?

Will we be able to use our loot card items in TBC?

Any gold and/or item caps planned for TBC-Classic character transfers?

Will they actually bring back the Mage Tower challenge so we can get a chance at getting those appearance ?

So classic era servers… can you explain please? I don’t want to tbc, am I going to be able to play on classic servers still with my existing toons?

Hey this is the classic forum. I’m sure there’s some sort of retail Q&A you can ask that on.

Bring back challenge mode dungeons that reward unique transmog!!

Would Blizzard consider a few fresh classic servers as part of the classic vanilla era realms? (And starting at phase 1 would be ideal.)

is azeroth the sister of the winter queen???