
O, it takes us to the retail forum. Guess it’s business as usual.

Pretty much. If you go to that thread you will see some of the retail questions and they are just so minor. One of the questions was like “When will horde get a pretty race? I want to play a blood elf druid.” Another one: “Will Gnome, Goblin, or Vulpera Hunters ever be able to ride their pets as mounts? As long as their pet model is already a mount model, of course.”


The carriage in Revendreth – any chance we could get that as a multi-person mount?

hey, i’m trying not to get sick here.

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Since there dont seem to be many serious questions here, I’ll try one:

  • Assuming TBC is going to happen, there’s a lot of concern for TBC - stemming from experiences in Vanilla Classic - regarding the increased server populations and resource availability. Are there any plans to compensate future resource rates for the existence of more players competing for the same spawns?

We saw it bigtime with black lotus which required an adjustment and are still seeing it with resources like plaguebloom. One resource in particular being primals (fire/air/might/life/etc.), since the main sources for these were farming open-world mobs, which would mean less spawns per player on larger servers this time around.

I think layering is going to be required for the lifetime of tbc. The place and the amount of resources are just too small.

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If layering is the only fix then so be it (as long as it cant be exploited again) … but if there’s a way to solve it without layering that would be preferred

They should have the whole death/ghost realm playable. I mean i think this would explain the boats and zepplins with ghost crews. Believe they had a short bit like that in one of their expansions but can’t remember. Retail so forgettable though you know.

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Will Draeni and Blood Elves be available in the TBC prepatch to catch up prior to launch?

I am a casual player and even though I belong to a guild, I do most of my playing within the LFG/PUG system. I would like to have more options to high end gear, without having to dedicate my life or money to WOW. Are there currently any plans to provide more access to gear or items above the RF level?

What do you plan on doing with the excess of gold in the server economies due to multi boxing and botting persistence over 18 months (launch til multibox “ban”)?

Are you planning on keeping the spirit of the game or just letting GDKPs continue to be the common trend in TBC?

This thread has caused me to lose a little more faith in humanity.

My kid looks different than me; is he mine blizz?

Will there be an armory for classic TBC with all of the old features from back then i.e. statistics, arena teams, arena match history, hall of fame, talents, detailed character stats, etc?

Will TBC released in Mobile instead of Desktop.
TBH, I prefer Mobile version, I am too old to play full time stick with the computer.
I have my life my work my family. I would like to pay subscription while playing on Mobile whenever I want.

“Why account-to-account transfer, appearance change, race change services not in the game? Those services have legit demand. Blizzard can earn more revenue with little downside. Is there any technology or gameplay limitation?”

how much do you love cats

My question is For classic wow.

How will you be transitioning to the burning crusade (TBC) ?

I Have wondered what method works most fairly, and still think classic should exist alongside TBC.

Why do we still have melee leeway

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