
Are there any new class ideas that may come to fruition relatively soon?

The graphics are simply the best Blizzard has ever done. All you have to do is look at them.

Will blizzard be doing anything about the massive amounts of gold that are left after finally dealing with(or at least appearing to have dealt with) the bots?

With gear being more focus on a persons spec, will we ever get back the ability to re-roll stats on gear that we find that have useless stats and put maybe missives with stats that we want in them instead ?

Why is there only one mail box in Oribos, and why do I walk around the top level of oribos to find just one flight master why not just put one on every platform

I know you all are cooking up something good for the near future but it has been 4 weeks since we have advanced in the story line of the maw. When will we save Anduin in the maw or will he be saved for a near patch raid ?

Hmm, then I guess the in-game Mail I received (it’s a real Blizz in-game Mail and not a scam one due to the Blizz logo which cannot replicated), thanking me for reporting a bot (out in Ashenvale) is them “not caring” :woman_shrugging:

These Bots aren’t “paying” for any account. They’re stealing/hijacking them.

I am willing to bet bug on this one. The current pants are how they look by default in the game files (even back in vanilla, if you ever used the model viewer or searched though the dbc files), Blizzard added something to hide the lower parts in vanilla-wrath, I think it is most likely they did not fix that, rather than censorship (I mean, the succubus is dressed way “worse”). Should ask them to fix the bug/oversight.

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hopefully everyone has a mobile phone this time around…

blizzard is banking on it.

QUESTION: how about those bots? brd pickpocket bots? dmt hunter bots? how about all the non english speakers in us servers? gonna do anything about that?

Can we get servers that do not support WoW token subscriptions?

Is TBC coming?
If TBC is coming will Draenai and Blood Elves be playable before the Dark Portal opens?

Question… What are you going to do with the sword that’s stuck in Azeroth?

What steps are you taking to completely eradicating bot presence in the future of World of Warcraft?

Here is comes.

Will we get The Burning Crusade Classic? If so, do you have a rough estimate on when we will get ours hands on it?

I was wondering is world of Warcraft classic will be expanding past the current expansion and if so will we the players have to re-buy the expansion for example if it goes to BC (burning crusade) will we have to buy it again even though we bought it onece before if you choose this question i thank you for the time and consideration?

My 3 kids, and I play together. It would be great if there was some sort of family type plan.

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Here’s my question; Why do you have “Report This Player” when we get an email from a gold hawker, if when you hit report, all it does it get your mail box full of offers from Gold Hawkers. I did the report thing on my Character on the Westfall Server and in about a hour I had two more letters hawking gold. I reported them and the next morning my mail box was full of emails hawking gold. I created another account, only to get its mail box full of letters hawking gold. I finally gave up and went to another server. I checked on my old characters, yesterday, and their mail boxes are flooded with the hawkers. Now, I am afraid to report on the new server. The only way they could have tracked my characters on Westfall is if Blizzard is part of the problem. Why would Blizzard do this?

Also any chance collectors edition of classic and/or tbc will be available for the fans? People like those pets, and since everyone is playing those, wouldn’t mind actually being able to purchase it again.

It makes no sense that this is not available today.

Would it be possible to do WoW classic fishing with the WoW Companion App?