
I doubt you will answer anything beyond softballs served up by streamers.

This is not a question.


Opinion. A lot of people play on the old settings because they dont think the new ones are any good. Kind of odd to act objective about art. Personally I think it looks…ok. Its not an improvement imo besides the amount of pixels. It’s just different.

You act like a game isnt a sum of its parts. If a launch is horrible, but the game gets better it doesn’t make it a good game. There is clearly multiple lingering issues from the perspective of the community. Taking multiple months after launch to add a leaderboard among other things that were paid for and even though never promised, were for SURE assumed in that purchase to be pretty common sense things lol.

You want to be objective? Multiple remasters in the last few years have went much smoother, came with what was advertised, and were flat out way better products. Blizzard failed big time with WC3 reforged.

Arena, SoloQ when?

Not an improvement???


Not really. Warcraft has a pretty interesting art style. The company that made the new artwork looks exactly like the art style used in modern mobile games. A lot of people thing they look awful. Adding more pixels and detail doesn’t make artwork better.

Me personally. I dont think its bad. Just…like I’ve seen it before in a lot of bad games lol.

I think if you show those two images to ten thousand random people, you’d probably be lucky to find one person who thinks the original Warcraft III Grom looks better.

The disdain that people have for Blizzard transcends logic. I’ve already had this conversation with about 5 or 6 friends and they’re also completely flabbergasted that anyone could think the original WC3 graphics are superior.

Maybe. If your friends sound anything like you they dont seem the art type, no offense.

Luckily art isn’t about stats so that first sentence doesnt really apply. I mean there is a lot of art that isnt “life like” or rendered in ultra high definition that still makes people feel a certain way. Old game arts are an example of this. Even here in classic.

That disdain is well earned though my dude. I agree that it blinds a lot of people, but so does the cheery, happy, vibe blizzard tries give off like it isnt a gigantic company that provides underpaying jobs comparatively, and has destroyed their community image with multiple PR nightmares that showed how out of touch the people in their board rooms are with their audience.

Maybe I’m the one out of touch though. They seem to be doing fantastic when you take a quick look at thier stocks, and I will say SL seems to be headed in a good direction. Classic TBC around the corner (maybe?). It’s a good time to be a warcraft fan…unless its WC3…:smiley:


Will there be a change to have more dynamic weather effects in classic and/or tbc?

Doesn’t seem like it use to

When will Horde characters be able to challenge one another to the ultimate duel - Mak’gora?

Will characters still be able to play WoW classic if you transition over to Classic TBC?

How is WoW the only modern MMO without a player housing system? It seems like every other game in the genre has figured out how to balance social hubs and player hubs but WoW.

Is there a chance we will have a run in with Galakrond in the future of shadowlands?

Will we ever be able to actually Save Anduin?

I feel if we lose him I will have lost respect for this game, as there has been far too much change far too fast, Yes I am aware Horde keeps changing leaders so Alliance probably needed to catch up but did you forget alliance already was being led by a black dragon who oversaw a child, a king who was kidnapped, same king killed, and alliance currently led by regents again. All the while Jaina goes crazy, Genn Goes crazy. On the horde side, Thrall lived but gave up spot to Garrosh, Garrosh went crazy, Horde given to Troll who dies and gives to Sylvanis. Who we are all dealing with right now.

I feel the alliance deaths and horde deaths are even, the alliance felt more betrayal then the horde, Horde leader goes crazy but her counter part is an Old man still around, why are we hurting the alliance King any further. Can we please just learn if we can save him?

There is a ton more story to be had if we left him but you are destroying too much by hurting him.

Sorry this Question also turned into a rant, but I feel broken by the game now as a druid too much has been destroyed and I have been playing since Vanilla wow was the only wow long before BC.

Are you erasing our classic progress and forcing us into tbc? What about those players who do not want to move to tbc.

Considering Grizzek and Sapphronetta managed to neutralize a powerful poison using azerite, would it be possible to use that research of theirs to neutralize the blight that is currently permeating Lordaeron

Original Grom looks better anyways, funny how preferences work huh?

Anyways, you’re cherry picking perhaps one of the few actual decent examples and ignoring the fact that over 95% of the supposed art upgrades are utterly inferior to their substrate.

If you’re trying to convince people that WC3 reforged was in any way good you’re in the tiny minority of people that were actually okay with the downgrade.


As an avid collector of all things in WoW having the Renny Fox quest rubbing salt in my wounds every time I’m questing in Ardenweald is particularly infuriating. When will this be fixed? Its been a known issue for months!

One of the simplest but biggest quality of life changes poised for Shadowlands was the mail icons on the main screen. WHERE IS IT!!?!!??! I have heard reports of it sometimes working or was working and is not currently. I have never had the icons. Please update!

When will the release of TBC for classic wow happen?