Questions, If Anyone Can Help

Okay, I’ve downloaded the three add-ons that were recommended, and it has really changed my pet window.

  1. Is there some kind of manual to let me know how to use them? Like I’m seeing things like “Favorite Teams” and “Ungrouped Teams.” And it’s changed the order of my pet roster. It used to list them by level, and now it’s alphabetical. I don’t know how to use them or save teams.

Sorry, I just need some instructions here. It’s a bit overwhelming. I mean, I’m sure it’s great, but I have no idea what I’m doing with it.

  1. Someone mentioned a hat of some kind that gives extra pet experience. I’ve done all the quests by Audrey Burnhep, but still no hat. I’ve done Cataclysm, which is just four pet battlers. I guess I have to do Pandaria next, but how do I get Audrey to give me the quest? Does she need me to get more pets before she gives it?

  2. I’ve gotten a quest, “A Call from the Caverns” from the pet shop. And something like “Deadmines, Part 3.” I’m apprehensive about doing anything from the pet shop, since the last time was this terrible quest where I had to be a low-level turtle, but it gave me a Murloc pet. My buddy says they’re pet dungeons. I don’t know if I’m ready for that. Is that what they are?

All-in-all, it’s been quite a ride. Being stuck at home has kind of left with a lot of free time on my hands. Basically, being in Battle for Azeroth showed me how I screwed up. I leveled up to sixty doing nothing but pet battles. So, I went to Battle for Azeroth with my 30th level gear. I had the results you might expect. Also, I’m a pretty crappy Mage. I was just choosing talents without much idea as to what I was doing or how they can help me.

Maybe pet battles should drop gear upgrades.

My buddy suggested I level in the jungle on Draenor, because there are a lot of pets and I needed to win 150 pet battles on Draenor to get the upgrade to my Garrison Menagerie.

Funny story. While I was questing in the jungle on Draenor, I saw a giant pet bird, Direbeak or something like that. So, I decided to take it on. This thing crushed everything I threw at it.

I told my buddy about it and he just looked at me. “Do you remember when I had you go to Northrend and get those three Nexus Whelplings?”

So I said, “Yeah.”

“So kill that stupid bird already.”

He was right. They worked, barely, but I still won.

I was doing Argus the other day, because I heard there were more pet battles in it. I have to say, I hate that place. The rivers are corrosive, so no swimming, and with all those jagged rocks, I kept falling off of cliffs.

And the only pets I saw were bile larva. Then the third part was cool. None of these giant cliffs and acid rivers. And there were interesting pets, too.

I said I wasn’t going to hunt any, because I have too many to level and make rare now. But I couldn’t resist.

Then I found another boss pet, and I figured out how to beat it on my own. No Wowhead, no guides. It was a critter called Schnozz, and it chewed up every team I tried. He hits like a truck and he kept switching my pets, after doing massive damage.

But I noticed that Darkness and Nocturnal Strike worked pretty well on him, and I had two leveled up flying pets that can do that. And I started with my Teroclaw Hatchling, since he can dodge and has some beast abilities. So, I opened with dodge, used beast attacks until swapped out, then did the Darkness/Nocturnal Strike/Savage Talon with the other two, and I won!

It was just a few bandages, but I’m not complaining. I figured out how to beat a boss pet.

For question #1:

On “Favorite Teams” and “Ungrouped Teams”: Groups are “folders” for organizing your saved teams. You can make an unlimited number of them. The Ungrouped Teams group is the default group, for storing teams that don’t have a home otherwise. Starting out, you don’t need to worry about groups at all. When you start to accumulate enough teams that they need organizing, you can set up groups and move teams into them with drag and drop.

On how to save teams: You save a team with the red Save As button at the bottom of the window. (Much like saving documents in typical apps, Save As creates a new team, Save updates the loaded one.) The typical process is to slot pets you want to save in a team, click Save As, and a dialog will ask what you want to name it and what group you want to assign it to. There are other tabs for targets, preferences, and wins (history) of the team but you can ignore those when starting out. Well, maybe Target tab might be useful starting out. If you want to save a team for Aki the Chosen because it worked very well against her pets, go to the Targets tab and pick Aki the Chosen before you save. Now when you go back to her later, summoning the window while she’s targeted will suggest loading the team you saved previously.

On pet sort order: To change the order of pets, go the Filters button beside the Search Pets box in the topleft, and under Sort By choose Level.

There are many (many) other options in Rematch like auto loading on mouseover, a minimizable standalone window, a system for automatically slotting pets you want to level, even a button to automatically build a team that’s strong vs and tough vs a known oppoenent. The page at wowinterface or curseforge where you downloaded it should explain more.

All that other stuff is not needed starting out but can be discovered over time. Once you can save a team you should be good to go.


Can’t offer firsthand advice as I got my Safari Hat years ago, before a lot of changes to game. But most recent comment on Wowhead’s Taming Pandaria thread discusses having to change whatever Chromie Time phase you’re working in. Audrey Burnhep not involved in this at all.

Pet dungeons might best be put off for a while. They involve a string of several battles, some with pretty tough opponents, and you’re not allowed to heal your pets the whole time.

The friend that gave you the Nexus Whelpling advice is so right, BTW.

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You get the Safari Hat when you complete Taming The World. You have completed Taming Cataclysm. That’s excellent progress! Now you justneed to complete Taming Pandaria

and then do one more Tamer battle for Taming the World

but you have already done all the battles up to Pandaria. Howdoyou find another one?

This is entirely insane, but what you do is make a level 1 character on the other faction, then do the firstTamer on the other faction. Since you have completed Pandaria as Alliance, you have to make a Horde character and beat Zunta

Yes, it’s crazy, and none of us know why, but that’s what works.

Wailing Caverns and Deadmines are the first two of the Pet Dungeons.

You will find strategies for them at Xu-Fu’s under the Dungeons menu.

With Pet Dungeons, you have to beat your way through a series of battles. The first time through, you can heal your pets between battles, but then you are sent back to do it again, with no healing.

I won’t say don’t do them, but I will say they are not a priority right now. So ifyou want to try them, you can, but don’t get stuck and frustrated in them. They can reward some extra pets, but these pets are not ones that you especially need right now, You can come back to them any time.

She did give me one more quest. I have to win ten pet battles against other players.

That aside, I went to Pandaria, and found a pet tamer, but she wouldn’t allow me to start a pet battle. Perhaps I needed to do more upon arriving in Pandaria. I can’t see any world quests in Pandaria right now. Should I get them done first?

Ok, that’s a weekly quest for pet PvP.

Like the pet dungeons - even more than the pet dungeons - you can try it if you like, but if at first you don’t succeed, give up! - at least for now. PvP is a whole 'nother dimension.

There are no world quests in Pandaria, except the ones in the Vale BfA phase.

Which Tamer did you approach? You have to do Pandaria in order, and the first you need to complete is Hyuna of the Shrines, near Dawn’s Blossom.


I think she is the one I approached. I clicked on each one and discovered that she was in the same zone, so I went right to her.

There are, however, some quests in the Jade Forest by the portal, with the quest icons surrounded by those brown shield thingies. I always assumed that that particular icon means they’re imperative.

Those are essential for the quest chain, but not at all for the pet battle dailies.

Check out this page, and especially the top comments

Did you need to pick up

in Uldum before going back to Stormwind?

Okay, I know I beat that guy in Uldum. I don’t know how to check my quests to see which ones I’ve completed. I guess the first thing to do is find Aki and see if I can get the quest.

Update: Aki the Chosen is not giving me anything. The next step is to go to Uldum, and see if I didn’t grab the quest.

On Wowhead, each quest’s page tells you how to check whether you have completed it.


look down a bit on the left and you willl see

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(31985))

type that into your chat bar, and you will get your answer

First, thank you so much for the help. It’s so frustrating when I want to get something done and it’s just some small quest or something I missed that’s standing in the way.

Anyhow, I went to Uldum, fought him again, because he had the blue daily quest over his head, and I wanted to see if he’d cough up the quest. I didn’t anticipate the order of pets that he would use, though. He opened with the snake. I was expecting the moth, so I lead with Nexus Whelpling.

Nexus didn’t do all that great, but Direbeak won it for me, and I didn’t even need to use the third pet.

I ran the script and it said, “true.” Which, I guess means I did it. So, I’m guessing the impediment is to do more of the introductory quest line when I came to Pandaria.

(I just started mining as soon as I could, because I wanted to make my first Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, which I did. That was a pain! Those trillium ores are a nuisance!)

I don’t think so. I don’t know, but I don’t think so.

On Wowhead, when you’ve got a problem, alwaye read ALL the comments.

I do not get this quest after The Triumphant Return at the NPC in Stormwind.

So after talking to a GM about this, i found the solution. I aborted some quest with Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus and did not start the intro to BfA (which the quest of Magni leads to). That caused me to be in a phase where the quest above was not available.

So someone else had a phasing problem. The game is prone to them since they went overboard with phasing back in Cata.

I suggest you try this: make a level 1 Human, run into Stormwind and talk to Audrey Burnhep. See if she has the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Pandaria then. Worth checking, and it won’t take long.

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I’m sorry. I’m not following you. Even if I can get the quest, am I supposed to bring a level 1 to Pandaria to do this?

ETA. I’m in Stormwind now, on my level 1, and I can see on the map she’s offering the quest. There’s a quest icon at her location and it’s offering, “Battle Pet Tamers: Pandaria.”

This is an interesting development.

So, what do I do about this? Go back to Magni Bronzebeard on my main and see if there’s any quests I need to complete with him?

2nd ETA: I checked the map of Westfall, and it’s also got Presto’s turn in for the “Deadmines, Part 3?”

So, if I take Audrey Burnhep’s quest on my level one, will Presto be able to complete it?

3rd ETA (sorry about this): It seems my problem is solved. I don’t know when or how Audrey Burnhep (and I keep singing “Moon River” inside my head every time I say her name) started giving me the quest, but after I saw that my level one (who is now level five, since I’m using three toons for the Darkmoon Faire to get a couple of Zepps and Tonks), I decided not to take the quest with my level 1. I was afraid if I did, I’d get even more messed up if Presto couldn’t complete it.

But Presto did have a thingie for his Heart of Azeroth (and I have no idea how to activate these abilities). So, I went to Silithus then the Chamber of Heart, to add his charm to the Heart. And Magni was there and had a quest icon with wings on it. So, I grabbed the quest. And I’m supposed to meet him in Nordrassil. So, I teleported back to Stormwind to use the portal to Nordrassil and Audrey Burnhep was offering Presto the quest.

So I said to hell with Nordrassil. Magni Bronzebeard is a pest anyway! He is. He was created to be annoying. “Oh, come to Northrend and fly for ten minutes to meet me in Sholazar Basin!” “Oh, come to Nordrassil!”

He’s a nuisance.

Anyhow, I got the quest, and just trounced Hyuna of the Shrines. Nexus Whelpling (and I guessed right this time, since the flying thing was first), killed off the mosquito and half the snake. Iron Starlette finished off the snake and soloed the turtle. Didn’t even need the Teroclaw I kept in reserve for the aquatic.


Yeah, that sounds right. That must have been the phasing problem that was preventing you from getting the quest.

BTW, all battle pet quests are account-wide. If your level 1 had taken the quest, it would also have been in Presto’s quest log, and he could have done it.

Congratulations! Onward and upward!

And it’s all done! I finished all the Pandaren Tamers. Most of it wasn’t that bad, though the guy with the rock pet called Pounder had me tearing my hair out.

It’s all pretty simple, really. Once you see the pet families the tamers are using, just go to the standard pets that are strong against each one. Aki was also a bit more difficult, with the lightning dragon.

The thing is though, after I beat Aki the second time, I didn’t get a new quest or anything. Please let this not be another phasing issue. But when I went to Stormwind, Audrey had no new quest (although Aki mailed me 3K gold).

I thought for sure you were putting me on about creating the Horde toon. And I have to be an Orc, of all things?

Okay, I guess I’m an Orc. “Me smart orc. Me so smart, me put lipstick on forehead so me can make up my mind!”

So, I went to Zunta as my Orc warrior, Braintrust. And I don’t know why I thought Zunta would be using level 25s.

It was a slaughter.

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Congratulations on the Hat!

OK, so your next step, and the final one of the pet battle chain sequence, is Pandaren Spirit Tamers. That open up the four Pandaren Spirit Tamers for daily quests, and each of them has a 10% chance to drop a pet copy of themselves. But first you have to defeat all four.

After this, we’re into Draenor dailies and later World Quests that don’t have to be unlocked.

Ugh! Does this lunacy never end? She also gave me another quest: Beasts of Fable. Does that unlock anything?

Beasts of Fable technically unlocks those, but they are battles you will do only once anyhow.

Why only once?

Regardless, I finished the four elemental pets. And they gave me a Pandaren Water Spirit pet as a reward. They sent me to the do the Earth pet (Rumbling) first. That was hard. He opens with that imprisonment ability and his other moves hit like a truck.

I tried my Mechanical Pet Dragonling first, to use Decoy to block the imprisonment. Which it did. But of course, a Mechanical is at a disadvantage against Elementals. Elemental attacks do extra damage against Mechnicals and Mechanicals do less damage against an Elemental.

Tried Long-Eared Owl next, thinking maybe the Darkness and Nocturnal Strike would work. Nope. It was pretty much an underwhelming combo. And he hits so hard!

Finally, I asked Rematch for something useful. I asked for something strong against Elementals and tough against Elementals. I didn’t think I’d have anything, but I had three snails. I chose my H/B Rapana Whelk, and Holy Smoke! He stole the show! Acidic Goo, Dive and Absorb and Rumbling was no more! Mighty Mouse at the end was kind of a problem, too. But I brought Long-Eared Owl for that.

Once I had the snail for the Elementals, the rest sort of fell into place. It’s just a matter of know what they use and in what order.

Well, you can do them as often as you want. There are three dailies associated with them given by a Gnome on the opposite side to the Flight Mastr in Shrine. The bags they reward are very low-value now because of the hyperinflation in pet rewards since Pandaria. The bags do have a chance to reward Panda pets though, so maybe you will prefer to do the dailies for them rather than buy them.

Snails are surprisingly useful! Pro Tip: the generally most powerful snail is a H/P breed Mudshell Conch or a H/P Shimmershell Snail. But most snails will do for most purposes.