Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

Maybe, maybe not. If Faerin had a weapon arm instead of a shield arm, she’d get the same being called “badass” - like Nebula from the Marvel films (they could’ve used the Infinity Stones to undo Thanos making her a cyborg, but didn’t, and that’s fine). I think you overestimate how many people make those kind of criticisms.

I apply the same standard to all regardless - since others brought these topics into the discussion - of race or gender.

The Shattered Hand orcs doing what they do, especially the ones who do it to both hands, is considered a sign of how crazy they are. And Faerin is not crazy. Plus, the Shattered Hand Orcs don’t have a scene where someone offers them a prosthetic and they lecture that person on why that’s a wrong idea.

And those Orcs are just missing a hand. Faerin is missing her entire arm.

We have a setting where powers exist that can heal limbs if you have enough willpower. You don’t have to like them or trust them, just willpower and you’re healed. So that “realism” we’re seeming to step away from also has a way where handicaps like Faerin’s are easily fixed.

Gul’dan didn’t have a backstory of being crippled until WoD. And it was mostly undone with Fel magic. Plus, there wasn’t a scene where someone offers Gul’dan an alternate fix and he lecture that person on why that’s a wrong idea.

Kargath’s self-mutilation was seen as a sign of his craziness and determination, and there wasn’t a scene where someone offers Kargath a prosthetic or to restore his hands and he lecture that person on why that’s a wrong idea.

A lot of those scenarios you described are due to magic - the supernatural trumps natural laws.

What’s wrong with people with a disability seeking to have it fixed when an unconditional easy fix is accessible?

There are stories without these unconditional easy fixes to disabilities that have inspiring disabled characters.

Weak. Calling your words childish would be an insult to children. Not worth the effort of further retaliation or refuting.

Again, she literally doesn’t lecture anyone, you are making that up, stop fighting demons that aren’t real

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That blacksmith who offered Faerin a prosthetic and got shut down by her down isn’t anyone?

She literally tells that very blacksmith that her inventions are great and will likely Be better for others, there was no lecture

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…while lecturing that very blacksmith on why to not make, offer or give one to her.

Looks like you realized I had at least a point here

Don’t try to backtrack that now.

Its not a lecture, its turning down something she doesn’t want, What do you expect someone to just field constant requests to try every little thing cause that person thinks it will help

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I think she’s still lecturing in her rejection and consider this scene redundant or should’ve been done differently. On the subject of a lecture, let’s politely agree to disagree.

No, let not, She isn’t lecturing and no reasonable person would ever think she was

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That’s a weak Appeal to Flattery (“agreeing with me is smart”, “not agreeing is stupid” :laughing:) I make no further effort to refute.

I think it’s pretty ridiculous that she doesn’t want a functional prosthetic that they can make and insists on coping with her dysfunction, effectively placing greater value on her disabled identity than the safety of her people by virtue of actively rendering herself less able to protect them. Even if it were difficult to get accustomed to she would still be doing them the service of testing their new technology, which if effective would go on to keep many another solider in her same position up and fighting without the need for special and specific accommodations or acclimation to fighting and day-to-day living sans a limb or several.
And a magi-tech or pure tech arm is infinitely cooler than a nub-mounted shield. Especially one that has to pray against overhead swings.

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Watch out. While I see your point, others may accuse you of hate or ableism for that. Or maybe they just hate me.

and the years of physio she would have to do just to be able to be combat effective, would kinda be more of an actual burden, they evidently cannot just have someone take extended leave otherwise they wouldn’t be using a disabled person in a combat role. More then likely said prosthetic would have been basically a hook hand system which as only the mecha gnomes have anything in the way of intergrated prosthetic.

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How are they going to test the prosthetic though? Wait until another soldiers gets a shield arm chopped off and hope they value the safety of their people and comrades more than their disabled identity? The technology needs to be tested in the field at some point. And Maurdeth was right about Faerin’s design being nigh-useless against overhead swings.

Yea, that tends to be out its done, you usually test things on willing participants

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So Faerin’s letting someone else be the test subject because she values her disabled identity more than her comrades’ safety? If she’s meant to be portrayed as or considered heroic, this undermines that somewhat.

No she is letting someone else be the test subject, Cause she believes she would be a better fighting withought having to relearn her entire fighting style.

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As an added addendum, its must easier to learn how to use a prosthetic the closer to the injury you get it

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In that case she’s valuing her fighting style more than the safety of her comrades and the people she’s protecting.

Her making the sacrifice of learning a new fighting style means these prosthetic tests and improvements would happen quicker as they don’t have to wait for someone else to get maimed. They’d be ready for others to use sooner. While you have a point about it being harder to learn using a prosthetic the more time passes since the injury, that’d be a more heroic sacrifice to make the effort despite that.

And Faerin herself would then be versed in another fighting style and become an even better fighter than she already is.

Or she’d be making a risk on the battlefield that will get her and others killed

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The risk has to be taken sooner or later. At some point, someone will have to test it in battle. The sooner it’s done, the sooner the improved technology can be used to help people.