Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

As I said, she never said anything about ‘healing a missing limb being wrong’…
Like, ever.

She was just saying she got used to not using a prosthetic because she hasn’t had a limb for so long.
Which really, is just Blizz’s excuse for why they designed that character the way they did as an easy catch-all for any questions people would have about it.

u triggered?

it honestly doesn’t matter, cause you’re just taking a scene out of its context to push an agenda and then playing the victim when people confront you on it.


They’re doing more than confronting and you know it, don’t try to gaslight.

Pot, meet kettle.

Thats not what gaslighting means, Insulting is still confrontation, For it to be gaslighting i’d have to be trying to convince you it didn’t happen at all


u def triggered

You can confront without using insults. Accusing someone of playing the victim when the call out unfair attacks is one form of gaslighting.

So are you, and even moreso given your puerile insults.

Not a single unfair thing about it.

Nowhere in that dialogue is it saying or implying wanting to “fix” a disability is “wrong”
And you can’t really “fix” a disability like that. Giving a person a prosthetic doesnt suddenly mean they no longer have a disability.

The reason Faerin denies the prosthetic arm offered by Raen logically makes 10000% sense

When people get prosthetics, it takes months, if not years of grueling physical therapy ot learn how to use them properly - and thats from people who usually are used to having all their limbs. Faerin has spent the vast majority of her life with only one arm - she probably doesn’t even remember what its like to have two arms.

The dialogue isnt saying getting a prosthetic is wrong - but logically she doesnt have the time or luxury to take a sabbatical/holiday away from the front lines to go do physical therapy and training to re-learn how to do literally everything again with two arms - especially fighting. And if she’s used to fighting with just one arm, suddenly having two, she’d probably end up being a liability in combat - she’d be unbalanced, clumsy, un-sure of her own weight, the reach of her arm, and she no doubt wouldn’t know how to properly utilize it.

At that point she’d be more of a risk on the battlefield than an asset.

And being a Lamplighter, she doesnt have the luxury to take time away for herself to re-learn how to fight from scratch. If it was during peacetimes, they had no threats or need for Lamplighters or if they returned to their empire - I’m sure she’d reconsider the arm since then she’d have all the time in the world to re-learn.

Or heck, part of it could be about her character, maybe she has an issue with her pride/ego and that could also play into a reason why she refuses the arm


Said the crook to their target.

‘people so mean to me :cry:

At least I can tolerate disagreement when it doesn’t come with insults.

What does that even mean

It means you’re wrong.

There’s no disagreement here, though.

You’re just wrong.

wah wah wah

I think the story clearly wants the audience to side with Faerin.

If Faerin’s story ended with her changing her mind and getting a prosthetic or her arm restored with the Light, there’d be fans calling that ableist.

While you’re right about physical therapy for a prosthetic, if her arm was restored by the Light, it could be done so in a way where all that therapy and training isn’t required - supernatural power circumventing natural requirements.

Like I said earlier, I think the story clearly wants the audience to side with Faerin. Characters being judged as good or evil - or right or wrong - based solely on their actions towards the protagonists or if they are the protagonists is a recurring trend in Warcraft’s writing.

While these are all relevant points for the natural side, I think if it was healed through supernatural means all this would not be an issue.

That would be a good character arc. However, like I said earlier; If Faerin’s story ended with her changing her mind and getting a prosthetic or her arm restored with the Light, there’d be fans calling that ableist.

When it comes to insults and snark, people like you love to give it, but you can’t take it.

Read above between Throren and I to see what actual logical discussion, disagreement or argument looks like.

So why can’t a person be disabled withought having magic make it go away, why can’t disabled people have someone to relate to

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So people not associated with writing for Blizzard would dislike something and therefore… that means Blizzard has a hidden subliminal message they’re trying to push.

Who cares.

They gave her the arm for the stylistic look, they thought it looked cool.

Who knows if therapy or training would be required, you don’t know that.
You’re assuming that based off of your own idea of how the Light works.

So assumptions you made based on delusion and nothing else, again.

There was no logic on your part in this.

Keep crying.

well as far as I know, regrowing entire limbs isnt something the light could do, heck, limb regeneration is something you only see in trolls and even then, its usually just a digit, entire limbs are only by ones who have extreme loa-blessed powers like Rastakhan.

Maybe the light could re-attach the limb, if the wound was still fresh, but regrow a limb, over 15 years after it happened? Naw.

Also if such a power existed, and if the Arathi had such power available to them, they wouldnt have just healed her like that when it happened when she was a kid.

Also if the light could do that, literally no one on Azeroth would have any major injury or scar if a street corner priest can magically grow entire limbs.

Cyrus Crestfall in BFA said a friend died from infection - and when he asked the healers for help, they said it was too far along for them to do anything. If Healers cant save a man from a progressed infection - I dont think they are growing entire limbs…

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Like these questions weren’t asked about gul’dan, they weren’t asked about kargath, they weren’t asked about Zul’jin. But all of a sudden now that there is a visibly disabled hero, now its “why can’t they just make them normal”

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Also to address the Elekk in the room, lets not kid ourselves, if Faerin was some grizzled Metal gear Big Boss-like veteran with scars, a beard and a big prosthetic shield for an arm, almost everyone across the internet over would be calling him bad*ss

But because she’s not that, suddenly everyone just so ‘happens’ to have an issue with how ‘unrealistic’ she is. And I mean it when I say I’m not labeling anyone specifically, but you have to admit, a vast majority of her criticism wouldnt exist if she had a different appearance.

I mean heck nothing beats how stupid the MU shattered hand orcs are, one blade hand, I get, but you have some that have TWO blade hands. How do they do…anything!? They cant hold literally anything ever, how do they drink? They cant even wipe their own rear

Jokes aside, talk about “realism” doesn’t really have any place here, we have people that can be naked, wearing nothing but a top hat and killing dragons by slapping them with dead fish, while lore characters are wearing armour that realistically would be impossible to even move in let alone walk or fight, with weapons that no one would realistically be able to lift while fighting orcs that have double amputee knife arms on a chunk of a broken planet in space…but a character with a shield for an arm and suddenly people care about what is ‘realistic’? Come on, you cant be more transparent unless you were made out of glass