Question, why isn't maintenance done in the overnight hours?

I vote for making a map with Paint and painting on it the countries that correspond to the US Region and their time zones.

Yes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

To this I add: the day they realize the number of players from Oceania and Latin America who have their avatars in the Sargeras, Stormrage, Illidan, Area52, MoonGuard realms will faint.
Many naive people believe that they are restricted to the “native language” realms.
Naive. They seem cute to me.

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The difference between your replies and someone who has actually worked these jobs really is jarring. It’s amazing. :rofl:

I’m on eastern time. 3am is 6 am here that would cut into my early morning play time with my coffee before work. 7am is great that’s 10am here and I’m at work then.

so anybody who was worked on updates anywhere knows what time wow has the most users logged in? interesting!

again, i’m not talking about backend updates to a generic web service. i am talking about wow specifically. i know you realize that there are more users (as a percentage of total user base) logged in to wow at 9pm EST than, say, Outlook 365 at 9pm EST. right?

i know wow players don’t seriously believe that 9am-5pm is the busiest part of the day for users to be logged in.

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9am-5pm wow players from what part of the world?

let’s say EST, for the sake of keeping things consistent.

It maybe about Wheaties, and coffee. The soft techs work at E. They bow to everything.

This would require people to be at work at 3 am so you can play a game when you want to. Just deal with it lol.

But it’s anything but consistent for a lot of people. Why do you think that is?

That is how it is normally done by companies basically servicing 24/7. Blizz hasn’t caught up to the rest of the world yet :slight_smile:

irrelevant. i am talking about when the game has the most users logged in. blizzard has access to that information and uses it to inform their decisions about maintenance. i don’t understand the forum insistence that actually the best time for maintenance is some other time, which just happens to be when they personally won’t be impacted.

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lol watching laymen talk about how they think servers, IT and maintenance work.
Like watching monkeys trying to figure out fire.
Super cute.

Folks are gonna be unhappy no matter the time. Might as well be when the employees are up and rested.

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I know isn’t it cute :smiling_face:

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Used to as in when? Are you referring to mom and pop places? Large corporations and businesses have been focused on the bottom line for a long time now. Profit over people and profit over product.

The gaming industry is only now starting to catch up. The gaming industry as a whole is hyper focused on short term quarterly gains. No one is quitting over weekly maintenance. No one is quitting over downtime. The product is still a lot better than most of what the market is producing.

The main reason WoW gets so much leeway, is that it has no competition. No one has made a game that can compete, much less perform better in this market. There are some great single player games. But for a MMO, WoW sits at the top for 20 years. We aint going anywhere. And frequent maintenance and downtime at the start of an expac, is them actually fixing things, or at least trying to. Which is better than launching and letting it just be.

OCE and Asian timezone players really won the lottery when it comes to maintenance. Go to sleep, wake up and servers are usually up.

For us here on Oceania servers it always starts now at 1am. Loves it.

You don’t really believe Blizzard is thinking about their Australian customers as the reason why they don’t do you? :rofl:

They do.
In Europe.

If they can keep maintenance just on Tuesdays I’ll be happy heh