Question To People Who Vehemently Dislike Group Loot

I understand how both work.
I will also say I got more loot with personal loot. So given the choice that’s the loot type I would pick.
I don’t get mad when others win, I get frustrated when I go an entire raid without receiving a single item. That’s something that shouldn’t happen (and never happened with PL).

My opinion is simple, there is content in the game where Group Loot is just fine, and should have never been changed from Master Loot in the 1st place. In saying that there are places where Personal Loot works best and those places should have kept Personal Loot. Any content that where the players are simply auto grouped together to kill and loot bosses, should always be Personal Loot.

Your mentality is Aotc + first 2-3 mythic bosses, if you think funneling loot to certain players is unfair then you haven’t been in a serious CE guild.

They have heroic prog to determine who the best players are, funneling is decided before you even start raiding.

I’ll tell you something that happened as a result of group loot.

A tier piece dropped. This guy, who already has the same piece at the same ilvl, rolled and won it. He could’ve disenchanted, what he did is hold that piece hostage as a bargaining chip for the next bosses tier, to trade.

You don’t seem to realize what desperation and depravity 30 unrelated, random strangers will use when considering loot. My opinion: keep it for guild content, sorta like how if it’s mostly guild you get gold. If it’s mostly guild, group loot. If random, personal.

My personal stance is Group Loot is fine for organized, all single guild raids but Personal Loot should be used with LFR. That’s my only complaint. Losing a lot of rolls in Group Loot is a bummer but that’s just the luck of the draw. Hell in Sepulcher last XPac it took me about 3 weeks to get my first piece of tier lol

If you saw the popup in the middle of the screen listing off loot, the same thing in your chat, or even just the lack of you getting a drop, you were seeing yourself lose items you inherently need rolled on under personal loot. It is not and never has been “invisible.”

No… heroic gear matters too silly

What are you talking about?

Ofcourse it matters thats why they funnel gear in normal and heroic too.

By the time they get to Mythic they have aleady been funneling for weeks.

All I said is it is anti-competitive, and that it brings toxicity.

As far as fairness, no I think all people who were a part of the success of the raid should have chances to get loot.

I have been in elite guilds… I personally liked it better when personal loot was around. It made things less toxic and complicated.

It is not and thats why we talking here.

If your guild is doing it then its anti-competitive since you guys dont ever get CE anyway so why do dodgy stuff like funnel gear to players.

Thats cool and you stick by it but don’t say its anti-competitive. The whole point in funneling is to be more competitive against other guilds, members dont complain or quit because they have a shared goal and they all do their part to achieve it.

You think you have but you haven’t, Aotc guilds are not elite guilds.

What? I have consistently been in mythic raiding guilds… not just Aotc… Also, don’t make this about me. I never had issues getting gear… I am a good player and get gear at a better pace than most, regardless of me being a healer. I see it worse for others than me.

It is anti-competitive, because you are competing against your own guildmates just as much as you are with other guilds. That’s a big part of the fun. All guilds have to work with the same rules… it doesn’t affect your competition with themTHAT much to have one single player get a 5% damage increase over another…

Thats Aotc mentality again. What you said applies to non comptitive guilds and if having fun is your goal then youre right but thats not how competitive guilds work.

You havent been in a competitive CE guild if that’s your opinion.

Yes every little bit counts :man_facepalming:
And thats why i keep saying youve got an Aotc mentality, its like you’ve never been in a guild that funnels loot properly.

I mean… I have got cutting edge on three raid tiers before.

But regardless, I don’t think catering mentality to the top 3% of guilds is a good argument anyway. It doesn’t affect them not nearly to degree you claim…

On a different account? You know people can check your feats of strength right? 0 CE acheivements listed :person_shrugging:

The top 3% does not determine how your guild rolls loot. Blizzard screws up LFR but its made loot better for organized groups.

You have the competetive guilds that all agree getting CE is the main goal and funneling to the best player/spec is beneficial for everyone.

Then you have guilds like yours that never make CE but still wanna loot funnel and do all the other fluff thats not necessary.

I don’t mind it what is a complete and I won’t use the word but ery at the end is rolling nothing higher than 31 and everyone else is rolling 80’s to 100 for 2 straight weeks granted this is for my horde toon I’m trying to gear up but might not even bother as I’m getting wow burned out.