Question to people who are playing FFXIV

Some people have serious problems in life :slight_smile:

I love RP in WoW - I’m playing on RP server.

Oh wow look another FF post.

Will be more if people don’t stop be a-holes here :slight_smile:


Idk who’s being a butthole but these posts are only going to eventually get the OPS in trouble. Trust me. These mods will hunt you down when they’re on the clock.


Ok, thank you - I don’t care - and I don’t trust you. But thank you for coming here, don’t answering question, making offtop answers and just being silly a-hole :slight_smile:

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is realy that hard to put trade chat in a different tab ?

Lol. Smiling doesn’t help your cause. No skin off my back if you don’t believe me. Enjoy the ever so important and proactive FF post!

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Ok, but… still… I don’t care - just go back to goldshire inn :slight_smile:

Lol. Sure. Whatever works for ya! :slight_smile:

Ofc, because this is the best solution - just disable chat and pretend I’m playing in MMO - maybe I’m old, but I think MMO game should be something more than ilvl and rio points :wink:

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where do I said disable ? if you need trade you just have to click on that tab and it will be there

Thank you for being a quality member of the WoW community :slight_smile:

I downloaded FF and when I saw that there is few to none differences between races looks, and city looks like mobile game , I started to wonder what people see in that game.

In WoW every race is different except two allied races added recently , every city is unique. Like you can hate WoW and criticize it , but it’s by far the most unique game and best mmo on market right now for a reason

Who cares - this was not a question - wtf with people lol :smiley:

And maybe it is unique but true is that you are playing only on 4 maps that look like they are from Korean phone game. But you know… Is my opinion only, and I’m more than LFR “raider” but… Gosh I want to try FFXIV because WoW feels like Walmart (technically the same community) and I dare ask people what they think!

You are what’s wrong with WoW and the Forums, Hecred.

If you’re looking for boosts/carries you’ll find them in both games, I daresay all games in the genre.

When you said it looks like Walmart and feels like it , it’s like you spit in my soup. I will look it different now. And I love Korean shows , and culture way more then American immoral propaganda. But when you said Walmart I was like , damn you’re right. I’m playing eso now :grin::grin:

Yea they’re here defending the FF posts with an odd amount of smilies lol. Keyboard warrior for sure.



When Legion was coming out, I subbed and started playing FFXIV. I was on an EU server by mistake, so obviously, everyone was really nice, and they said Americans are basically a bunch of d*cks and trolls. But that made most of my queue times take over 2 hours. I was a bit peeved when I learned what they called PvP on that game. Like, no, thank you. I hit max level, which was 70 in a week, and with any game, I start on, go and explore, and collect crap to make it so I can be top-notch movement as running around tends to get you flattened by mobs. The models were cool, and the gear was very detailed; when it would rain, the gear got wet, and in the wind, all of it would move around. The professions were something I guess id say is best taken a day at a time as there are a ton of them, and if you are stupid like me, you find out later in your profession you decided to focus that you actually need a bunch more also at the same level.

Every time you start learning a new class, you are set at level 1 until you switch back to what you started to fill your bags, banks, and the other storage. Cosmetic stuff costs a lot, and the scenery, unlike wow with Darkmoon fair or holidays or events, FFXIV has little to no scenery that blends into any of that. The game itself is not hard to play; I topped heals and DPS and got in childish arguments about how it’s easy when you read the spells and rotate them and when I didn’t like to wait id want to go ahead alone, saying id be fine no one else would die. Then they’d want to kick me, and the queue already was insane, and they want to boot a healer, so id goes and pull crap, and the random person who didn’t want to wait for a new healer would help me out, and then people cry. It’s way less stressful when it happens there than wow. You can usually tell them exactly why they suck and how badly they handicap everyone else and how if everyone in the group weren’t stupid and sees “tank leave=WE ARE ALL FACKED” and can’t see beyond that, then no one would even care if he GTFO even if you have to let him wipe everyone over and over till they get pissed. It’s hard for the crap that goes down that way in wow to happen in this game.

I feel the game is more of an RP centered type of game, and the RP is for people with the maturity of middle-aged women, and so the RP I run into in Org and anywhere near SW is extremely below that and would get you mass reported. It seems like the cosmetics for hair and stuff are excessive, but actually, there aren’t THAT many options. They have a lot of things to pick, but if you end up liking all options or not liking only 3 but like the rest, you have a fuqboi avatar, or you are just lucky enough to be built like that in your brain. Mostly only a few are good enough, and you have to earn more. The casino place they have, you need to play these games that can get grueling depending on how good you are, and after spending tons of time on that, you can buy one piece of hairstyle, and google won’t always show you exactly how it looks so you can expect one to be an afro. Those hairstyles that you have to put work in for honestly disappoint. You can also not only spend a fortune ingame for storing your gear for every other class and profession and transmog and dye and the fee for the barber, but you can also use the online store to grab some stuff too, its like barbies. Nothing with clothes is under $9.99. There is this island I had to end up on at max level, but as the max is now 80, I don’t know if its a thing, but you could be farming and walk around the tree you have been standing at for 30 mins and get ambushed by creatures and never even received a chance, to run. People would group up to chase these mobs with a rep or some loot, I forget. If they let you in, you had to run into this jungle and die and run in again to be strategic and still die until someone with a 2person mount started feeling sorry for you and decides to come and get you. You can still die with the group, and no one sees you, and after the crap you have been displaying, asking if anyone can come to get you or res you when you obviously are out of your league seems like a dick move. That is probably their version of timeless isle or tanaan jungle. Seeing people get abruptly ganged up on and killed out of nowhere even in the “safe” area is funny.

With titles and gear, it also comes very easy. FFXIV is a hand-holding game. You queue up with people and kill things and roll on loot, and any title you earn or buy is not a title you can feel that proud about. When you hit 60 and 70, you get a full complete gear set for your class that is actually good, and it looks cool; you get it in a box as a quest reward. Earning currency isn’t hard either it’s just a pain. I liked how many times when a rare was up id run by, and some person is in the road yelling for someone to please kill it with them.

But no PVP, no real skill set that makes you feel like you did something, just that you don’t suck. You do all raids by quing with people in a raid finder, and the storage system seems to make sense to almost everyone except me and some other OG’s in that game. When the new pack came out for WoW, I had barely managed to remember to resub.

Main point, FFXIV does have sellers all over the chat trying to sell gold and whatever else they can like profession boost services. If you don’t feel wow anymore and are aiming to find someplace where you can grab a similar feeling to what it felt like when you felt WoW before, FFXIV is NOT it. As someone who went and played the crap out of that game waiting for WoW content. I have to admit I was a lot more happy when i was back on WoW again even though i wasn’t digging a lot of the new stuff.

Just play TBC Classic instead. That literally is the best alternative right now,


Nobody does PvP in FF

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