Question to people who are playing FFXIV

he says manners while posting about a different mmo on a different mmo’s forum

does it matter if the seller knocking on your door has manners? live life

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Ye, crazy :smiley:

More funny is that you wasting yours precious life just to be a-hole :smiley:

Try to find something nice and good in life Sir.

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Played yesterday for first time in long time got a level boost to skip the boring main story (Ill watch a zoomer tier attention span YT vid no worries). But Shadowlords/bringers/defnotlands is pretty cool either way my point I didnt see sellers of this kind we see in abundance in WoW mainly cause I wasnt in a town much or know how to activate trade chat if that exists. Also my friends who were 80 helped they werent in my party because it nerfs exp gain.


Thanks for info :slight_smile:

Maybe I will try FFXIV this week if there are no sellers.

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i already enjoy life itself as it is, i don’t need to pick and choose what’s “good”

So the better question is FFXIV better the Retail Shadowlands WoW?

Is the rewards more rewarding? Does player progression mean anything in FF unlike in SL’s?

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Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:


You won’t be spammed much by boosters in FF anyway because there are no global chat channels. So sellers just use /y in towns but they get quickly banned lol. I’ve seen maybe one advertising in the passed 2 weeks.

np, it is the superior ideology.

I don’t know - I only care to not see sellers in every corner every second.

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It doesnt have nearly as much spamming as WoW does, but that’s because they swing the ban hammer pretty frequently there.

Is one better than the other? Depends what you’re looking for. Fun is subjective, I loved WoW for a very long time, now I play XIV. It’s fun to me, but you may hate it. No one here can tell you what you will like.


or youtube videos

I don’t ask if I will like FFXIV or don’t - I was asking only about sellers - that’s all.

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Depending on server, you can sometimes see more bot seller spam in the public channel than actual people talking.

Best thing to do is try it.

It’s free up until level 60, so you get a good feel for it before having to hand over any $$.

It’s what I’m doing, and I can’t say I’ve seen a single boost spammer… yet anyway…


Believe it or not there are actual players who play both games and have respect for one another.



To a small degree.

Since the scope of the game extends beyond the loot treadmill, the most difficult content existing mostly for reasons of prestige rather than increased numbers on your gear, and there existing a much higher degree of personal responsibility in FFXIV generally speaking, the demand for it is much, much lower.


Yknow now that you ask, I don’t remember seeing any sellers. Then again, I’m not usually in capital cities long enough before I’m off doing the next quest/leve/queue.

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You have to look for them, very deliberately. They exist. They’re just not in everyone’s face about it, since that’ll land them in jail pretty quickly.

buy gil to buy cosmetics for your cat waifu you rp as.

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