Question Regarding Mount Drops and/or World Bosses

The first post was straight to the point, saves the time for multiple posts with requested information. Rather have the gun and not need it than need it and not have it.

And level 1’s would not even be able to get there as it requires the appropriate character level to be in Pandaria. You are also only allowed maximum 50 characters per account, not per realm.


Ive gotten there using mage portals - I have 10 level 1 characters there at the moment. But yes only 10 characters per account.

I understand that, but it took reading every post here and reading your text paragraph twice to figure out what you were asking in the first place.

“I had a question regarding the drop chance of items in the game from world bosses and how they exactly work. Hypothetically, if I were to make several level 1 characters and have them hit a “miss” attack on the “Sha of Anger”, do I still qualify for loot?” <— I think if you had asked it like this, your question would have been answered much more quickly.


Jakaroth has a point here tho while yes the drop chance of the mount on any given kill would remain 1/2000, If i had 50 toon’s, every week i would have had 50 chances at a 1/2000 drop.


Gotchya, will do!

It’s been a while but I believe the formula for cumulative success, assuming a 1% drop and 50 runs is:

100*(1-[0.99^(50)]) = 39.4993932862463%


My formula differs from yours but that’s besides the point we are both on the same track here towards the same thesis. More chance = Higher Cumulative Chance attempts. My formula is: [(Drop Chance as a Fraction)(# of characters attempting that week)] x 100. For instance, Invincible on 3 toons, [(1/100)(3)] x 100 = 3%.

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I believe all you need is to be on the mobs aggro table when it dies and even a miss would put you there.

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Not when you are 89 levels lower than the mob in question. Beyond that, the mobs the Sha spawns and the slime will immediately kill a level 1. Heck, a lvl 1 would pull every mob in a 100 yards to smack him before he could attempt to miss lol

To qualify for loot he would need to be lvl 90. Specially when its a world boss


Good catch!

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Which ive been saying but everyone been missing that.


Nah, I saw it Darth


I said this above as well but it was mixed with a larger wall oh text and not expicit

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Probability is not cumulative. If there is a 1% chance of a particular outcome, logically there is a 99% chance of that outcome not happening. You say that running a 1% scenario 50 times effectively makes your odds 50/50. By that logic, a 99% chance of failure, mutliplied by 50 attempts, you’d have a 4950% chance of failure.

Your odds reset each and every time you run the encounter.


Teufelgott, I spent early this morning telling him the same thing. He doesn’t get it and refuses to.

What others have already stated is correct.

When looking at statistical probabilities - you have to remember - the dice have no memory.

If you have a 1% chance at something happening, it’s always 1%. Repetitions in the MILLIONS may produce a significant statistical number, Those done within human capabilities of dozens, or even hundreds of times - may very well not.


That’s been changed. You can have all 50 characters on one realm now.


The limit on the number of characters that can be created on a realm has been removed. The account-wide character limit remains at 50.


Thanks for your response. Would you be able to confirm whether or not hitting a “dodge”, “miss”, or no number at all as a level 1 to the Sha of Anger would make me eligible for the drop table?

That’s going to fall under “Game Hints”, namely asking how X works, or if you can do something to get X, etc.

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What are Game Hints? Is that a rule?