Question regarding account AND server transfers

I have two accounts and need to bring a character from one server to another and then to the second account. From what I can read online if I purchased toe 3 character transfer bundle I would need to use two of them on a single character to accomplish that, or does it let you do both actions in one transfer?

A few issues may prevent this. I see you’re posting on a Classic/Progressive Classic character. There are no account transfers for those game iterations. Only on retail can you move characters between accounts - and your name must match both accounts.

Edit - Sorry! wrong link. :sweat_smile:


I’ll add that, if this is retail, it only takes one Paid Character transfer to move to the new server AND account. You can do both in a single transfer, but only on retail.


Thank you for the responses. And yes I was talking retail I didn’t even realize it defaulted to my classic char.