Question on Timelord title

So I was thinking of deleting an alt Evoker on one of our Connected Realms to make room for a new one for Pandamonium. But he earned the Timelord title from exalted with Chromie. Will I lose that if I delete him? The title seems to be account wide, but I don’t know if something changes if I delete the character.

Does the title come with a multicolor long scarf or a Blue Police Box mount? /joking

I wanna say, if it’s account wide, you might be safe. Of course someone chime in if I am wrong.


As long as it’s tied to an achievement, I believe it works. You can also delete a character and undelete it to try it out. :slight_smile:


LOL!! That’d be awesome. :grin:

Thanks, I guess I’ll have to test it. :eyes: