Question on multi box



Worked for you in the other thread! lmao

Okay sure thing “lmao”. :+1:

Is Multi-boxing a form of cheating?

Before the question can be answered, we need to understand a basic fact that can’t be disputed. Regardless of personal feelings.

Activision / Blizzard makes the rules in regards to what is and isn’t allowed in their games. It doesn’t matter if we as people agree with the rules or not, it is what it is.

So now that this fact is presented, we then have to start defining what the word cheat means.

Myself when people ask for definitions, I tend to use the Merriam-Webster because it gives a lot of different uses for the word when looked up.

So here is a list of what comes up:

  • to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud
  • to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice
  • to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting
  • to practice fraud or trickery
  • to violate rules dishonestly

WAIT NOW! we have now come to a definition in the list that might be of interest to the topic.

To violate rules dishonestly

This definition can be dissected into two parts:

To violate rules | dishonestly

To violate rules - So far the stance that Activision has on multi-boxing is that this does not violate any of their current rules. So if the people that make the rules are saying there is no issue, then no one is breaking any rules as far as the company is concerned. Are people breaking rules on a personal level? This depends on the person in question, but at the end of the day, when it comes to what rules really matter it is between the person and Activision / Blizzard.

People might not like multi-boxing, but until they get Activision / Blizzard to change their rules in that respect. People are still free to multi-box even if people don’t agree with the practice.


Well obviously you’re just dumb and don’t have an IQ above 65. Clearly you need to educate yourself because you don’t know what the word “cheating” means. /s

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Blizzard doesn’t care if you cheat as long as you line their pockets with gold.

It’s sanctioned cheating.

In the same way that playing a mage is “sanctioned cheating?”


Things that make you go, hmmm. If it is sanctioned, then it is allowed and not against the rules. If it isn’t against the rules then it isn’t cheating, hmmm :wink:

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When the person or persons making the rules profit off of allowing cheating…
Things that make you go, hmmm indeed!

This is a case of pearls before swine. The individual in question is inarticulate and either incapable or unwilling to formulate a cogent argument. As such they have no power and can be safely dismissed and ignored.

Appeal to motivation fallacy.


The reason doesn’t matter, and I disagree with your reason in any event, if it isn’t against the rules it isn’t cheating. You may not like it, but it doesn’t fit the definition of cheating in a game.

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that’s fine you can disagree, nothing prevents you from being wrong.

gaining an unfair advantage is cheating, period.

Guys, you’re just being trolled.


Nope. Too difficult to find groups actually running dungeons and not being carried.

LOL “mommy, he has an advantage over me! He’s cheating!”

That is exactly how you sound.

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You’re the one acting childish.

I know :wink: But just in case anyone else reads the thread we needed to make it obivous.

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Let me refer you to my mulitboxing thread here:

Also to this official support link here, stating that multiboxing is okay:

I don’t use ISboxer myself, but so long as you don’t break the “one keystroke = one action” rule, and don’t automate anything (i.e. don’t cheat or break the Blizzard Terms of Service) you’ll be just fine. :slight_smile:

I can easily clear all 5 man content in the game, and its a ton of fun!

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This is one the very reasons why I dislike society sometimes. People just adding definitions to words that don’t always make sense.

In order for someone to be cheating, there has to be a rule that is being broken. If the argument wants to be made that Activision / Blizzard is allowing cheating. They have to have a rule somewhere, that is being broken. If the argument being made is that they are allowing cheating because they are getting paid. It still comes back to, they have to have a rule somewhere that is being broken that they are getting paid to overlook.

I think a more appropriate argument / question would be: Is multi-boxing P2W? or Does multi-boxing make the game easier / harder?

I suppose those two questions would kind of fit in the same discussion now that I think about it.

Just my thoughts though.

sorry I diddnet mean for ts post fr peple to go nutts our start a multi box topic war lol just curiose about the sofrwere part

My IQ is 141. What is yours?

Whoever creates the game decides the rules. Players do not decide the rules. They either agree to play (under rules they dislike) or they don’t play.

So calling something “cheating” because YOU disapprove is nonsense.

BUT you have every right to criticize it, and to say that players shouldn’t do it. That opinion is reasonable. Just don’t use the word “cheat”.