Question on multi box

I wanted try and multi two accounts but it seems sorta hard between hot keying/marco
someone told to me to DL ISO boxer
all I want to know is this leagel softwere to use in game
I don’t want get in troble for 3rd party thing
any info would be of help ty all

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too difficult to play the game straight up?


Sounds like it might be harder to multibox.

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why not lay two at once if yea can? ive seen a guy running like 15 at once I dunno how the heck they do it… I have two accounts so I figured id give it a ry t biggy


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I too happen to have 2 accounts and use hotkeynet because it is free and functional enough for just 2 accounts. Then again, I don’t try to get them to do overly complicated things together.

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They don’t care what you do nor how many accounts you do it on. That’s the problem.


I always play 2 characters together. It works best when they’re both the same spec. I rolled a couple of mages in classic and got them up to 19 or so. The long cast time was perfect for flipping between windows to do the same rotation on both at the same time.

But I do feel like I’m wasting time not multiboxing.

Lol…blizzard doesn’t care what you do. We h ave a guy on our server that plays 40 accounts at the same time to farm frostmaul and make thousands of gold which he then sells(by his own admission) never been banned…you’re fine.

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You can use ISboxer as long as you’re not automating any of your gameplay.

1 keypress = 1 action per client = fine.

However if you’re just dualboxing I would recommend HotkeyNet, it’s free and much simpler to setup and use than most software solutions.

Multiboxing automatically makes the game more difficult due to the learning curve. After you’ve mounted that curve, you realize you’re just trading one set of difficulties and inconveniences for another. It’s neutral.

Yes in many situations it is.

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“cheating is hard”

By definition, it’s not cheating. Blizzard has made numerous public statements that multiboxing is an acceptable style of gameplay. In fact, they even link players to a tutorial on how to set multiboxing up.

Not everything can be reduced to a “clever” one liner.

you can say as much nonsense as you wish, to anyone with an IQ above 65 it is cheating.

It is for failures that cannot play the game straight up.

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This is just a lazy way of avoiding the points I made, and is a tacit admission that I’m correct.

This is just poisoning the well.

I have no idea how you come to the conclusion that voluntarily adding layers of complexity means someone is bad at the game.


you made none.

Sorry if the truth leaves a sour taste.

Basic common sense. If you NEED to play as more than 1 character, you are horrible.

Yes I did. You claimed that multiboxing was cheating, and I pointed out that Blizzard has stated it’s well within the rules. If it’s within the rules it’s not cheating. Rather than acknowledge this factual statement, you just said “nonsense”, which isn’t even an argument.

It’s not the truth, it’s just a base ad hominem.

Okay so the tactic here is to frame people who multibox as “needing” to do so, rather than just enjoying a more complex style of gameplay. This is fallacious.

In short, you don’t really have an argument and the arguments you present are poorly thought out and fallacious. Do better.

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This is just poisoning the well to preemptively insult anyone who disagrees with you. This is a rather presumptuous statement which implies that the only reason someone would disagree with you is not because you’re wrong, but because they’re stupid. This is kindergarten level discourse. Do better.

Actually, Blizzard’s stance is the crux of the issue, since they’re the ones who make the rules and decide what is or isn’t cheating in their game.

I have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean.

I’m sorry if you feel stupid because you don’t understand the word.
Educate yourself.

Okay so at this point you’re not even bothering to present even a fallacious argument. Take care. :wave:

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