Question on grouping with opposite faction

  1. Can I as Horde group with Alliance for things like World Quests, leveling etc?

  2. Will MOB’s still grey out in open content when first hit is by opposite faction (not in group)?

cross play only seems to be in instances not open world with exceptions to faction battle dungeons or raids such as Argent tournament in ice crown along with ice crown citadel the exception instances where cross play isn’t functioning is in the patch notes.


Ohhhh… dang, that’s a bummer. I guess it makes sense but was hoping I could do world quests and leveling with my son and his love for Allaince.


I mean you probably could I just haven’t tried the cross faction play yet myself as I don’t have horde toons at 60 yet to see for examples such as yours with world questing. you two could probably still quest together you’d just have to let him tag things first then you kill them I guess.

Yeah, I just tried. Created a lvl 10 on one accoutn and a 10 on another, different factions… and when sending /invite it says “Target is Unfriendly” - bummer

Indeed :slight_smile: More info can be found here: