Question on getting Kicked

Hello, earlier today I ran Mogushan Palace, and after defeating the first boss before being able to grab loot I was removed from group.* I’m unsure as to the reason why, but my question is would getting kicked put a strike on my account?

I ask because I know if reported for chat for example, one may get squelched that can lead to a silence, suspension etc. Does getting kicked have anything similar?

*I understand one can be removed for any or no reason at all. While it did upset me and I’m puzzled as to why I got kicked, I know ultimately it’s majority rules at the end of the day. I’m more worried if there are other things to worry about other than the debuff.

No. The Vote to Kick system is about giving groups agency over who they are grouped with. So you aren’t removed or not based on if you violated one of our in-game policies, only if the consensus of the group is that they vote to remove you.

If you are removed through Vote to Kick it doesn’t leave any black marks on your account.


That is good to hear! (Well, kinda because I think I got the no reason people >< but you know what I mean lol) I was worried because I had no clue what I did to get removed, and was scared if it happened again. Thank you!

Actually, since this is kind of a hot topic, you may delete this or lock it up. Thanks again!