I submitted a ticket over this issue already(7 day wait…ugh).
So, I was in LFR on my alt and we downed Smolderon. Me and others rolled need on a trinket, and since the winning roll was the person who owned the damage meters I figured I would inspect them. Their two trinkets were a 480 ilvl and 483 ilvl, and the trinket in LFR they rolled “need” on was a 447 ilvl. They won it, and I called them out on it.
Next they asked me if I wanted to buy it for 20K. Is this considered abusing the loot system?
No anyone can need it weather or not they need it thats a personal jerk move yes selling it back debateable but its not abuse nor something a GM will get involved u mite as well close ur ticket.
No, that is not abuse of the Loot System. There is no such thing in the rules. There are scams, but that is not one. In Classic SoD selling loot is also prohibhbited.
Retail though? If the game lets them roll on it then they are allowed to do so. Is it scummy and unfair? Yes. Not against the rules though.
If you want to report the ability to roll on such a lower level trinket as a bug, you could do that - if you think the game is bugged. They won’t give you the item, but you can report it if bugged and maybe someday they will fix the mechanic. If you think it is a design decision that needs to be reconsidered, you would want to post on the Dungeons and Raids forum maybe? Or General Discussion. The Community Managers there are tasked to collect feedback to send to the Devs.
He won it fair and square theres nothing to dispute theres literaly no rule saying that he cant roll on something or even reselling it or trading it if he wanted to. FYI theres no gaurentee in a blue response.
Thankyou I will attempt to post it on the General forums.
Letting anyone need on an item they cannot use or will give to someone else is, imo, greifing. I don’t believe that Blizzard designed the loot system so that people who cannot use gear should be able to deprive others of it strictly for fun or to use it as a loophole to gear their friends. It’s an unfair advantage imo.
Customer Service will not intervene in loot disputes for any reason. Scams can be reported, and a player actioned, but they don’t redistribute the loot to someone else.
Again, it is scummy and mean, but it is not against the game rules to roll on something the game lets them roll on.
Just to touch on this, thats basically how guild raids run, you normally divy up loot to the people who will benefit the most/key raid roles. Early in tier you prioritize people with ability to hit breakpoints, like tier will go to someone who can make their 2/4 set over someone with nothing, trinkets and weapons to those to whom that piece is a bis item over a basic item level upgrade.
So its friends gearing up their friends.
Its LFR, if someone need rolls on something it means they are eligible for it, they could just need the enchant mats or vendor gold sale price or tmog, and thats a perfectly valid reason to roll need on something. Just because you think you need is more valuable then someone elses doesnt mean the system is being gamed or not working as it should.
Also keep in mind, some lfr items out perform normal and heroic so you will see people with higher level items still farming lfr as max upgraded lfr items can be better.
Good points, but I guess it comes down to a matter of principle. Some have it, some don’t.
Very aware of how guilds do things as I have been playing since '04. My personal opinion is that if the gear comes up and it doesn’t benefit me, I’m not gonna roll need on it. Some people will so they can get their resonant crystal or give it to a friend, which in essence gives them 2 rolls compared to everyone else’s 1. Some might see a problem with that, others don’t.