Question? Merging WoW Bnet Accounts?

So i have 2 bnet accounts. I have a lot of cool mounts and mogs on one.

I was talking to a guy and he said that u can merge bnet accounts and then all your toons will share all the mogs and mounts.

But i looked on the wow website and it says that mounts do not transfer.

Im wondering if he lied to me? or perhaps the website information is outdated ???

any1 know for sure?

You can not merge two bnet accounts.

For i think it is $25 per toon you can move them from one bent to the other.

The mou ts, achievements etc will stay with the same bnet account though.

I did this with my sons toon. He did not want to pay $15 a month anymore so we moved his DH over from one license to the other.

Both accounts must also be in your name and believe have game time on them. Positive about the name. Pretty positive but not as solid about the gametime.

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I don’t know if I’d say he lied. He may have just been misinformed himself. There’s a lot of confusion about what can/cannot be done with Blizzard accounts. Our support articles are up to date though.

Correct. You may be able to transfer a WoW account from one Blizzard account to another if you meet all of the requirements for support to help but the Bnet account collections cannot be combined.

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In addition, you cannot transfer from a higher level wow license to a lower level one - e.g. You can’t transfer from a BfA account to one that doesn’t have BfA.
Transferring from a lower level wow license to a higher level one is, however, ok.

If you do happen to have have an old wow license, that has never been part of a account, You can submit a support ticket for Blizzard to transfer it to an existing account.


Good catch. Totally forgot to put that part in. Thank you sir.