Question for you grapes

I’ma be real with you guys. Finally gearing my lock and I think everyone is delusional even more so if you think affi is bad.

I’m just vibing and farming.

I think you and anyone of your caliber knows anytime someone uses the words unplayable that it’s 99% a get gud issue even with specs that have next to zero high end representation like fury. Imo your first post is needlessly toxic and trolling.

That said I agree with what you’re getting at locks are great in many of the matchups you could have, we just aren’t spriest or mages. Also being a hardcaster in this meta isn’t really fun even when you’re playing the good ol caster triangle since you get trained so much, which I think is the biggest issue many people have with the class currently.

I also think you forget just how easy it is for someone like you to multiclass and do really well at it, the basics don’t change much once you’ve got them down.

Also remove deathbolt pls and thx.

I’m not saying any of this because I have anything against you, so please don’t think that. I just personally find it a bit frustrating how easy and simple you make the process sound when as a player who’s learning and trying to grow it can, at times, be anything but that.

That said I’m very much enjoying my own growth, and I do feel proud that I’m at the point I can soft carry guildies to 2000 despite starting in bfa season 4. Really I just want you higher end players to know that us little guy’s are at the stages you guys were at once and that it’s not as easy to us as it is to you.

Also I respect a lot of what you do in the lock community and I’ve seen both on these forums and discord how tired you can get with people making excuses but I do appreciate you taking the time to answer the people who ask you things.


Warlocks have been largely underrepresented in general and in pvp since the birth of wow. There have only been a few exceptions. I don’t think the class itself is bad atm (unable to succeed), but I think the design is bad and frustrating. That is why you don’t see people playing it as much as others.

In arena, playing against a warlock can be frustrating because if you make a mistake your healer gets behind, or a chaos bolt gets off, which very quickly can seal the fate of the match - Probably why you made this post. On the other hand, it isn’t necessarily fun to play as either. Playing as a warlock, you get trained and die without really feeling like there was something in your power you could have done to stop it. IMO if it is frustrating to play as and against, then it is bad design.

Going to a different class forum to troll is pretty sus. If you have fun with the class, good for you. Play it. If you think the class is unbalanced, then you should take it up with blizzard. Most people are just playing a video game trying to have fun on a character they like, not going out of their way to make you mad lol


Monks have been largely underrepresented. Only recently have monks come into the light, and even then we’re still bottom 2 with DHs.

Warlocks have always been at the bare minimum middle of the pack. They’ve never not been viable in PVE or PVP and have always been able to compete in both regardless if they’re the meta or not.

Frustrating is different for everyone. No one likes locks being the best caster in the game because it makes the game generally unplayable for everyone else, but the same is said for rogues, warriors, monks, dhs, dks, etc…
I personally don’t like warriors, but can tolerate everything else. Locks just tend to be on my bucket list of wanting to end the game fast because I want to move on with my life :slight_smile:

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The frustration I didn’t understand as a bad lock for awhile, to me it always felt like our counters were so obvious you had to missplay horribly to lose to it. And then I got better and broke 2100 in 3s.

Good god is shadowplay and lmx frustrating to que into as another caster triangle. I have no idea if it’s just because we played owlplay with a mw or what but it felt like we just had nothing for the spammable cc and couldn’t get great kill windows since nothing died.

That said I still would personally prefer to que into that over rmx that fails their set ups for 3 minutes straight and still win anyway.

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Warlock representation was always the lowest until MoP, when warlocks were overhauled completely for just that reason. Then, I believe monks were the least popular class. But that was 7 years ago and a lot has gotten worse and made people leave the class since then. If you look at recent history, warlocks have less representation in raids, pve, and in pvp than monks and dh do. (according to warcraft logs, raider io, and the pvp ladders respectively) Seems you are quite mistaken in thinking otherwise. To be fair, you could say that the pvp ladder is not an accurate representation of the playerbase, but I don’t know if we have anything else to go off of.

Viability, is another thing. Again, not saying the class is unplayable or unviable. It almost always has been worth having/playing objectively. The problem is just how much or how little people enjoy playing it.

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What was made worse about the class? lol

It’s been wanted in PVE & PVP nonstop and has been a dominate class since WOD, and was still a dominant one prior to WOD.

For me it was demo losing meta and becoming the clunky zoo playstyle it currently has and destro becoming even more of a bolt bot. Though being necro I can run fire build with necro leggo and shadowburn which is a nice.

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Let me present to you, what was for a long time the Warlock Bible, and now, a extremely detailed report from times long past: I present to you

In fact, Warlocks Rework during Pandaria have been partially inspired by Cynwise rich detailed explanation of why Warlocks had been fallen out of grace, want some proof?

“Why did I decide to overhaul the Warlock class? The answer, in a word, is Cynwise.”

Now, i do recommend for you to read Cynwise blog if you are curious, that will also help you to form your own opinion on the question instead of the opinion of me with my own biases.

but my TLDR: Multiple factors along them we had:

There are other arguments for you to see in his blog, but those are the main ones i believe, he also does goes in lenght to show that warlocks during cataclysm was actually very strong in endgame, overrepresented in both arena and raiding.

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I’m too lazy to click on blogs.

The fact that you tried to blog me into reading these things confirms that warlock is the most brkoen class in the game and everyone who says otherwise is just bad.

What a toxic and troll response. You’re asking questions with biases in mind and he’s trying to answer them while admitting his own biases but still trying to be as neutral as possible.

But I guess this is to be expected given your attitude about thinking you could parry cheap and having a total melt down despite several people telling you otherwise. You need to learn to step back and pull your head outta your bum.

Thread link for anyone curious Someone explain this to me pls


Don’t feed the troll, just flag him and move on. He’s always trolling.

I agree

Big troll

Glad we’re on the same page!

Most locks are exceptionally talented, handsome, and well regarded by their grandmothers.

Except for the ones that aren’t.

Back atcha!


Nothing is unplayable in the hand of Sidney Crosby or Conor McDavid. That doesn’t mean much though. My 3 main classes are hunter, paladin and lock (even though i’m not curently playing the game) and there’s absolutely no denying lock is harder to masterize in pvp and require more skills than both ret and hunter. You can basically play BM with your eyes closed and reach a low rating of 1600-1700 effortlessly which i did in previous season with my hunter without really trying. I was not able to reach 1400 with my lock and had to actually work to just be 1300ish in the first season of SL. I was getting anihilated by melee cleave as soon as i was making the smallest of mistake. Did not have a fun time at all.

on banishsoul, it shows Affli/Holy Pally as the most popular 2s comp. with over 18% of matches played by that comp with. a decent win rate of around 54%…
The next most played comp is literally played by only about 8% of rated 2s matches, which is basically half of the affli/holy comp players.
Thus, followed by another few comps, also played by around 7-8% of all players in 2v2s…

…So Locks are played, with a pally, in 2s, more than half the time of all of the other classes.