Are there any close knit undead only guilds on WRA that do full game content and are not 100% RP. Don’t really care about the success of whatever, raiding, mythic, etc cause of 1 race and class spec options. Just curious.
Are you saying no RP at all? Because I am sure 80% 20% is what you’ll see of RP and current content out of a Forsaken only guild.
it also feels like not many undead players run as healers. I am sure that almost any of the undead guilds out there could do content like M+ if there was.
There’s only a handful of Undead guilds these days. Undead Only is kind of even harder to pull off and from what I know are RP mostly.
Speaking for my guild we’re pretty much exclusively RP. I think it’s just the way of things though, undead-only is niche enough already, as Zheco says.
All the people who’ve posted here is pretty much all I know, as far as undead guilds. But individuals within those guilds are into end-game content for sure.
Undead GUILDS? Pft. Mere, small, bickering trifles. We have an Undead channel and Discord!
Im looking for an Undead Only guild that raids and runs mythics, but I am not into the RP scene as much.
My idea of a guild I could get behind is a UC tabard, exclusively using UC instead of Org, camping random alliance leveling zones and being a general nuisance.
Im 12/12 Heroic on the raid and am unsure if boxing myself into a hardcore RP guild will mean the end of any real raid progression.
That’s a really tall order at the end of an expansion (unpopular one ta boot) Kay.
Make it. Seriously if that’s what you are after. Recruitment might be a struggle but if it is the guild you want others might as well.
The other possibility is to try to get something like that running on a non-RP realm. The problem with RP realms is that we tend to be a smidge behind on the gameplay front - because a lot of people are focused on RP. Maybe try one of the more popular (former) PvP servers were PvP gameplay is still a big focus? There’s even an RP realm like that, called Emerald Dream.
I appreciate the responses, and i will look into possibly doing it on a non RP realm. Maybe i will trial an undead on Wyrmrest first and see how things go. Who knows, maybe i will enjoy it!
The degree of RP doesn’t matter. I like RP, but me personally I only wish to engage in it so much. I don’t care for pure content guilds cause it’s lore or story empty. So I was just wondering if something like that exists on WrA. A healthy mix, you know?
What about checking with one of the Forsaken guilds to see if one might let you lead a raid/end game content branch without having to participate in much RP?
That is a thought. I’m really just scouting at the moment.
On that note, what are the current active undead guilds on WrA?
This is a good question to toss in the UndercityUnited discord server. We’ve got several of the regular guilds listed and active on there who you can quite easily contact.