Question for Dispellers

Maybe. But, context is good to remember. It’s a video game, not real life. A game where the rules specifically are set to allow harmful actions to be taken against other players almost at will. Getting upset over it happening is completely unreasonable. And I mean truly upset. We’ve all gotten miffed at some random failure and been like :poop: :rage: And then we get over it. That’s a totally normal reaction.


there is counterplay to this…

I feel like they’re analogous to snipers…stop presenting yourself as a target.


forsure, just saying I don’t think a lot of people thought of this when selecting a PvP realm. People who have been playing on pservers over the years would be aware of the WB meta, but alot of returning players (such as myself) didn’t even consider WBs at the start

Yup that is true, at this point being in Org flagged on a PvP server is just dumb. There are ways to get unflagged and lose very little buff timers, but the meta is ever evolving. Now we have people camping random inns in small low traffic towns, or camping mage port areas in low key cities like UC / TB.

What i should’ve said is there’s no PvP counterplay for this so called “PvP”.

If I did it, I would be doing it to get a rise out of people. It’s trolling. If you get mad the dispeller wins.

Make a friend and do it back. Or roll on a PvE server.

Better yet keep crying here. That’ll surely help! (It won’t, it makes me want to do it more)

Some people find true joy from hurting other people.


Beshaba being my personal favorite.

Not crying lol, just having a conversation.

I have zero interest in dispelling, why would I waste my time doing that? I have about a trillion other things in my life that are more fulfilling / worthy of my time.

Can’t transfer servers, I’m a GM and love my guildies. We’ll just deal with it. We don’t dispel, i ask people not to. Never once in my life will i ever have the urge to sit somewhere in ghost form and dispel world buffs. That sounds extremely boring / pointless. It’s also not a “counter play” its a waste of time ^^

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Any PvP player like to see how his enemy suffers. Spending hours trying to get world buffs and then lose them all at once in a split second. This is not merely “to be annoying”. You get owned. The enemy player understands that.

Secondly, this is war!


seeing OP’s reaction is the reason they do it.

I support their playstyle even if i don’t pvp.


I personally don’t agree with griefing, but it’s within the allowance of the game. It’s just not something I particularly like or support and I question people who spend a lot of time doing it.


sure there is: Silence/Stun/Outranging them or protecting your precious boofs with simple Covers Buffs untill you’re ready to receive the next important ones


They are doing God’s work. :clap:t5: :joy: :clap:t5: :joy::clap:t5: :joy: :muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:


There’s not a lot you can do against people ressing on their corpse and spamming dispels. It can happen in an instant, and bad luck can see high priority buffs gone, even with cover buffs.

This is partly why I never bother to get more than head and heart, and maybe DMF if it’s convenient. And also it’s a huge waste of my time in my opinion to even bother getting them all.

if they’re alive sure, if they’re camping in ghost form they can rez / dispell before you can react. Def abuse the scroll trick myself lol

Damn it! I was hoping that was a list of known dispellers. I was going to laugh so hard!

if they are ghost dispelling then there corpse is a warning that you should chug an invis potion while you walk by it. Sounds like a case of You Are Not Prepared


What goes through your mind when you decide to go to Org/SW and use your time to take people’s DMT and SF buffs?

I mean, What’s better then kicking over someone’s proverbial sandcastle? Why try to push real-life moral and social obligations into a game? The way I see it, I’m just playing the villain.

Is it out of nostalgia, hoping people will give up on world buffs and return to the original vanilla?

That ship has sailed, Blizzard would have to remove worldbuffs from raids to get people to stop. I joined a guild that did no worldbuff raiding up until we killed KT because I do enjoy playing the game as it was intended. But who am I to say that everyone has to enjoy the game the way I do. At this point, That would actually be bad for me. Wouldn’t be anyone to kill/dispel anymore… Sept maybe the farming bots, but those are basically just NPCs anyway.

Is it out of spite for the other faction?

There the enemy faction, You’re meant to fight/contest them. There just the target. I enjoy ganking people because its fun, not because I hate them.

Are you simply out of things to do in Classic but don’t want to stop playing?

I mean, no doubt that things are kind of drawing down in Classic now. As we all wait for Blizzard to tell us what’s next. Most players are raid-logging or Mara-boosting their alts or some-such.

I guess you could say that and be technically correct… There’s just not much to do.

And finally, where did you go wrong in life that lead you to value your and others’ time so little?

Why the need to talk down on people? I’ll just ignore that…

First, your perfectly capable of wasting your own time without my involvement. Think about it, we’re sitting here playing a game that’s been around 17 years. In those 17 years all the player convenience they added was so you would waste less time. Then they bring back the original version and take all of that convenience out. I feel like to play classic you have to be willing to waste some of your own time. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Also its a game, The value of time is something only the person spending it can value. Things you view as a complete waste of time, are things other may value immensely. Is it worth my time to be in SW ganking people? Survey says yes, cause here I am doing it.

Is it worth the person I just ganked time, to go back and get more worldbuffs… Well there going to be deciding that, not me.

I would like to point out this is only possible on a PVP server, In other words you selected the option that gave express consent to being attacked whenever, wherever. The way I see it, people that complain about getting ganked or dispelled want the perceived prestige of saying “I play on a pvp server” Buuuut, Don’t actually want the consequences of playing on a pvp server.


At least on my server, there’s a number of people with a second account purely to dispel/purge their own faction.

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