Question For Blizz, Grief Related

he no longer raids he only exists to ruin other peoples experience playing the game

It’s too bad there is no player based solution to this problem.

Oh, wait! I just thought of one! You could reroll on a PvE server!

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This is basically the core of the issue right here, and why its so difficult to solve.
You could sit outside of the Naxx portal in a full raid, wiping other raids as they go in, specifically because you want to ruin their raid. That is not griefing, thats PvP on a PvP server. Everyone there has an opportunity to play their class and defend themselves. If you die, oh well, you died.
If you have 9 priests sitting in every major city waiting to res and spam 1 button, die run back and do it over again, thats not PvP. How can you defend yourself?
If dispelling world buffs is PvP, why isn’t it counted in the ranking system? Why cant you get HWL/GM off of just dispelling world buffs? Where is the BG with 10v10 all priests just dispelling everyones Fort buff?

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I’m glad we could have such a constructive and thoughtful conversation about this.

This is the saddest post I’ve ever seen on these forums.

Like, I feel so bad about how you have totally misunderstood the entire concept of PvP servers that I just want to hug you.

If you show me proof that you transfered to a PvE server, I’ll Venmo you the transfer fee.


posts like this make me want to roll a priest.


Thread full of people who res dispell KEKW forum trolls

griefing is part of pvp
in fact it’s one of the driving forces behind pvp.
it can be a lot of fun but you’re not always going to be on the griefing side and have to learn to roll with the punches when you’re the one being griefed

You can even use hardware to multibox still, its the software that is against ToS.

Offer still stands, friend. You transfer to a PvE server, I’ll pay for it.

I know you think you’re being some edgy troll, but you just look dumb talking trash behind a lvl14. You could also consider the fact that you cant transfer from a PvP to a PVE server. You would know that if you wanted to leave your PVE server and go to a real server.
Do you really think you have any kind of a legitimate opinion on any of this when you play on a 90% alliance PVE server? Pagle KEKW
Ima just stop feeding the trolls, I know that’s what Mootwo would tell me to do :slight_smile:


Incorrect. You have it just backwards. You can’t transfer from PvE to PvP.

Offer still stands. If you want to actually solve your PvP problem by transferring to a PvE server, I will pay for the transfer.

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I love “facts”


Is this individual repeatedly killing you for hours on end so you aren’t able to play the game?

Is this individual repeatedly killing quest givers so you cannot take or turn in quests?

Is this individual somehow preventing you from entering raid instances?

Or is this individual just removing some buffs?

Methinks the problem is not with the dispeller here. Further, I suspect that if you work towards overcoming your collective addiction to world buffs, the dispeller will get bored and go find something else to do.

Zug zug zuggity zug.

Unfortunately I think the way they approach classic doesn’t necessarily adhere to the ToS they have for retail since it’s attempt was always to emulate classic and in vanilla there’s no way they’d intervene on this in vanilla.

If they do fresh classic servers they’re probably going to be more liberal with changes they make from release. Wouldn’t be surprised if they went for no dispel buffs or disabling them in instances.

Only if he’s using software to broadcast commands. He can run 6 accounts at once if he wants.

Edit: not even 100% sure if they banned for classic. I want to say yes, but retail is where it is just being abused for open world farming. In Classic its largely a PvP gimmick.

All the more reason why PvE Servers are better than PvP Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

If you’re going to use this argument, that is, that if some player vs player interaction does not award honor points then it is griefing, then you would have to believe that a level 60 corpse camping lowbies is griefing too. Last I checked that was just PvP happening on a PvP server.


I’m not sure about that. Maybe, maybe not.

I’m including a screenshot from Vanilla showing where they banned rooftop camping. Keep in mind rooftop camping is very much PVP on a PVP server but because the guards at the time couldn’t do anything about it in a neutral town and because people didn’t know how to get on the roofs it was banned.

So they may have done some sort of a fix or maybe not, but it wasn’t common to stack world buffs for raids at the time.

I agree that the Retail terms don’t really apply to Classic and they are more hands-off.