We have this guy on our server, he has a twitch account with 6 differen’t accounts, he’s streaming himself on 6 different priests, mass dispelling the horde all day, everyday. I get dispelling is part of the game, we’re on a pvp server I get it. But this dude is rocking 6 different accounts spam dispelling reviving, all his gear is broken he soloy is there to grief us, is there anything that can be done?
pvp happening on a pvp server it sounds like.
So, what I hear you saying is that he’s paying Blizzard six times as much as you are to play on a PvP server. I don’t think you’ve worked this problem through to it’s logical conclusion.
I’m on the same server, already know who op is referring to. There is a big disconnect within the community on whether or not dispelling world buffs is considered griefing. Most people who want to dispel people call it PvP and everyone else things its griefing.
Unfortunately, I think it happens on too broad of a scale for Blizzard to want to do anything about it.
Dispelling magic buffs is a core part of Priest and shaman playstyle, its extremely strong to use in PvP and should always be used. They’re entering into that territory of “banning people for using their buttons”.
However, any reasonable human being would look at this guy’s stream and realize he is 100% only playing in an attempt to ruin other peoples experience playing the game. Reading blizzard TOS, “Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment.” I don’t think anyone can argue that this player isn’t “intentionally dectracting” from others enjoyment.
But it would be too difficult/not worth the investment for Blizzard to try to sort through the dispels and figure out which ones are griefers and which ones are people just playing their class.
I submitted a ticket to Blizzard about this exact person, and they sent me back some laughable copy & paste about how dispelling=pvp. It seems they just don’t wanna deal with it, its too tough of a problem to easily solve.
The best way to indirectly solve the problem is to just make SF and DMT not dispellable, so that if you want to remove someones buffs, you actually have to PvP on a PvP server.
He is almost certainly using cheap southern american accounts, i doubt blizzard is making a lot off of him.
That makes this post even funnier then.
Yes, I also am pretty sure I know who you’re talking about.
Blizzard won’t do anything for dispelling and will tell you it is PVP. It was nice before AQ when our whole server came together to be anti-dispel but things have changed.
If you don’t know this guy mained horde, made an ally account and did some griefing on it with selling summons to horde then killing the people with his ally who he summoned. He also made that fake named guild to basically grief that guild. He’s been banned from the server Discord. He’s interesting. Definitely attention-seeking.
He isn’t online an extreme amount though so can be avoided. If I’m on let me know and I’ll do a /who on ally side for you to tell you if a place is safe.
My favorite was during Cata raid summons,. I mastered the art of on top of SW cathedral and then when peole began to wise up, I moved to SW keep above the garden on a ledge. The catch was, if you took the summons ,the spot on the ledge, I placed it at, would dismount because of height. Was freakin hilarious
The obvious solution would be to pay for one more account than him and use each account to make a new post here explaining the problem seven times.
Then roll priests and dispel him.
There’s a video of someone doing that to his paladin… but when all you do in the game is dispel and you no longer raid you don’t really care anymore.
Not that I’m complaining personally. I find his psychology mostly interesting. The stuff I pointed out in my post is extremely obvious and found just from a few messages on the server Discord.
I think the dispelling is pretty amusing in a detatched sort of way.
I’m glad that my obsessive tendencies lead me in other directions, however.
Blizzard did say that multiboxing was against ToS, that’s if I remember it right.
Dispelling is not against ToS, that’s normal. But having 6 accounts and multiboxing is.
You can’t use software that duplicates key presses.
Boxing itself is a-okay.
Thanks Not Glinda, I forgot that one. Yep, that reminds me.
Guess guilds will have to stop relying on world buff’s to be good.
Just another usual garbage parasite slob trying to draw in attention to itself in order to leech money from viewers. People should get together and mass report they’re twitch accounts for this type of nonsense. Leave they’re WoW accounts alone. They’re twitch accounts going down will damage them the most. They’re just doing this type of stuff for attention and also just doing it to draw in people, hoping they will donate $$$ to their garbage twitch channel.
You do realise everything he is doing you can do as well.
That’s literally pvp in a nutshell. If you dont like it, then PvE servers are a better fit.
You could also stop and realize that maybe the problem isn’t with him, its with how much value people are putting on world buffs so they can parse on a 3rd party website that isn’t even part of the game.
It would be like if someone made a website to track collectible outfits, so someone kept buying everything on the AH to make it a lot harder to get them and then people started whinging about “griefers” preventing them from getting their outfit score.
Horde in P2, camping flight paths and mid level questing zones: LOL PvP happened on a PvP server, git gud!
Horde in P6, occasionally getting dispelled: I’m being grieeeeeeeeefed!!! Ban this guy Blizzard!!