Question flying next week

So what what would your solution be??

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You mean that because they could have come up with some other feature that might help only some of the variety of reasons people had trouble with dragonriding, and normal flight could solve all of them, they should have done nothing?

Are you aware that the nausea minimizing feature they added didn’t work for a lot of people?


I’m just gonna say it now — I won’t be waiting on players who are “retro-flying” before I engage the rares in Emerald Dream.


You need renown. I haven’t seen that being removed.

All renown requirements were removed earlier today.

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Thank GOD. Then all I need is to explore the Emerald dream and I have it. I will have it day 1


And do the story quests.

I have Dragon Isles Loremaster. I have had that since week 2 of the expansion.

emerald dream quests arent part of pathfinder


No doubt you go out of your way to kill things fast enough now so that you never are forced to share tags against your will. In fact, it sounds like you think sharing is a sign of moral weakness.

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Ok I thought they were. Thanks for the correction.

To put up a thread in multiple places to find out from the people who this actually applies to (not the people who are simply scared of it because it’s new). I’ve not seen blizzard actually doing that much to ask for what new options they need to enable them to use the feature. I’ve only seen people complaining about being “unable to use it” without providing specifics of why, or what could fix it.

The goal should be to enable everyone to actually use the new system. “I hate it because it’s new” and “I refuse to learn how to use it” are not valid reasons why you can’t use the system. Those are you making the choice to not use it, and you should have to accept the consequence of that choice you made.

Wrong… the goal should be exactly what they did allow people to choose.

Everyone understands that except the “If you don’t play my way you’re doing it wrong” crowd.


I think they did the right thing… hopefully they’ll ditch pathfinder… or well… you know you’ll be doing it for dragonriding next.


If you are correct, and some people actually can’t use the new system, then (according to you), they don’t have a choice.

By that logic, the goal I’ve stated is a pre-requisite of the goal you’re suggesting.

Not everyone can use Dragon riding. I am one who cannot even with the systems Blizzard put in place.


I got no problem with that.

to unlock dragon riding must have
100 reps at max
have every quest in every zone complete
have 100% xploration complete
Must have 1 of every class at max lvl
Must have 12 month subscription

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They should if they lose enough money. I’m not saying they did or didn’t. But they’re still a business.