Question about the Vote to Kick System in Group Content

I am just very curious on this one, and not sure if I am posting it in the right area, but this bought to my attention from another thread:

Is kicking people out continuesly because of the region they are from allowed?

Like, it is kind of hard to explain this, but someone has been, well, basically complaining about Oceanic people grouping up in queueable group content such as Dungeon Finder or Looking for raid, and basically came out with the comment that they are just going to vote-kick out the Oceanic players from the group content everytime they see one.

Now, I am not sure on about behaviour such as this, so I was wondering if this sort of behaviour would be allowed at all or not, just kicking out group of people because of the region they are from?

There is no rule that states you can not be kicked from a group, regardless of what ever reason a group initiates a VTK.

Although if a group does initiate to many votes, they might find themselves with a large cooldown on the ability to do so.


Ok, just thought to ask, just was uncertain on this sort of behaviour though. But thanks for the information Kozzae.

Happens all the time, aussie groups will klick US and brazilian players out too and vice versa, especially in higher keys because the ping at times just makes it terrible and the key fails.

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How do you know which region a player is from?

You make an educated guess based on the server they are playing on.


Hmm… maybe in these LFG groups the home server should be hidden.

It’s the combo of name and server that makes your character unique. There can be a Pööh-Garrosh and a Pööh-Proudmoore of the same class at the same time.


Makes sense. I guess there’s a tiny possibility of having two players with the same name (different servers) in the same group which could be confusing. Still, might be worth a little confusion to eliminate server prejudice. Just a thought.

Knowing full name/server is also required if you want to check someone’s experience in the content before inviting, which the community as a whole has decided is a reasonable thing to do.

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Kicking someone from a random group is allowed. A kick can be initiated for no reason

Posting sentences in the group finder excluding certain servers from invite could be reported as trolling.

Any suggestions or feedback should of course be posted in one of the community feedback forums, or by using the feedback system in game.

An addon that was made to facilitate the exclusion was quickly disabled by development due to such feedback, so don’t discount using the suggestion system.


Its not racists thats not realy relevant or helpful to the situation. The group did nothing wrong they can run there group and kick who ever they like for what ever reason.

Now if it were a premade group and advertised no a server or na players thats a whole different situation.

If they’re doing that, report them. If you see a listing in the dungeon/raid finder that specifically says “X realm not wanted” or anything remotely like that, report them.

It is actually against the rules to “voice” their discrimination against regions/realms/players like that. People can decline group members or kick them for any kind of reason, but if they’re being foolish enough to admit in chat or a group listing that “X realm not wanted”, that absolutely is reportable and people have been sanctioned for in the past.

This is a bit dated, but unless our local resident centaur pops in to correct me - it’s still relevant in today’s game.

And…normally I screenshot stuff to save someone from having to go look themselves, but I appear to have lost my trust level at the moment. So here is the link to the post itself. There are several posts from one of our SFAs, Vrak, about how it is against the rules to openly state the discrimination against other players in the discussion with someone who was sanctioned for it.


its not wrong tho because it can sometimes make the key for example a complete brick by the first trash pull and the people on high ping tend to bail. I never get the issue in raids but keys unfortunately it really does make a difference sometimes. Not everyone needs to take anyone else into their group, they can kick for any reason, and thats fine. They could kick you for your tmog. And thats fine. Id rather be kicked before a key starts then waste everyones time and brick a key

I think it actually stills apply today with that one, though I can’t fully confirm, but what about admitting it here on the forums. Should I report the post?

When in doubt report and let the mods deal with it.


That’s a really good point.

It seems from what you quoted that it was the manner in which the exclusions were presented, not necessarily the exclusion itself. It was the insulting nature of the listing that resulted in the infraction. At least that’s how I perceive the comment (especially when you read the rest of the thread where the moderator exposes that some unpleasant language was also involved.)

That said, I’m not a fan of discrimination in group invitations. But I’m also wary of situations where moderation can be arbitrary and subject to the opinion of the moderator who pulls that ticket. For example, say someone is spouting some nonsense in this forum about how he was targeted for an unwarranted ban because he makes too much gold playing the Auction House. Now if I, in response, were to explain that Blizzard doesn’t ban for making gold legitimately and that he was deluded, that would be fine. On the other hand, if I were to call him a delusional paranoid, that would be inappropriate and subject to some forum moderation. Now any moderator would take action on the second statement, but some might actually impose a penalty on the first. The same could happen with in game advertisements, where moderation might have a little too much subjectivity and/or arbitrariness. Anyway, such are the rantings of a bored middle manager sitting behind a desk; thanks for the indulgence. :grin: