Question about the social side Wow from a player who wants to return to the game

I’m considering getting back into WoW and think War Within has some really cool potential. However, when I had similar thoughts with Dragonflight, I ran into a bit of a wall. The guilds and social elements don’t seem to work like they used to. I’m not looking to stoke negativity here, simply understand how the current systems work and learn if I’m engaging with them wrong.

I played Vanilla through Cata and off and on since then. I got excited for Dragonflight after bailing very quickly in SL. I had a blast for multiple patches (nice job on the rate of content Blizz =D) but the game felt lonely. With everyone able to play with whoever they want regardless of server/faction guilds kinda felt obsolete. They ether had a few randos come and go or a billion people not interacting and doing their own thing. When you would get group ups it was always just people quietly completing their daily/weekly checklist and vanishing. It’s come a long way from the early days when playing with randos meant possibly making friends that you were excited to attempt bigger and bigger challenges with.

Now I realize that me, the game, and the player base as a whole has changed quite a bit over the years. If what I described is your preferred playstyle, then I genuinely hope you’re having a blast. I’m merely curious if there are places where that old spark still exists. Where you can log on and be greeted by other active players, make friends and allies (maybe a nemesis or 2 =P), and just vibe and have fun in this world with the other players. Are there groups or 3rd party programs where this is a thing or has the game simply grown into something new?

PS: I’m terribly sorry if this was the wrong place to post this, it just felt like resubbing to ask a question seemed silly (I totally understand the rule, though, with how these forums have been in the past). If it’s possible to possibly bump this to general so I can see lots of different viewpoints I’d be eternally grateful.

social aspects of the game do work, well it depends on the guild you are apart of. Plus now with communities you can be part of several groups. So the possibility of being social with even more people.

All dependent on everyone else in the group and how they run things. You can be as social or not social as you wish.


That wasn’t the experience I had in the 5-10 guilds I was a part of in DF. I totally could have just been unlucky or not clicked with the right people, I suppose, but I did just have a friend echo my thoughts which was the inspiration for this post in the first place. Have you had the same guild since b4 DF or have you bounced around? There is no judgement ether way, I’m simply curious as to your personal experience.

How does the communities tab work? I don’t even remember seeing it, and now I’m curious if it’s a big part of my issue >.<


If you look for a guild mostly on achievements , what they are raiding and so on. You will not find the best social aspects of the game most of those players really dont care to be social.

Good thing now you can join horde or alliance guilds as well as community


This forum is primarily for aspects of Support, normally I would recommend the Returning Player forums, but that one requires an active license. I think the folks that post in this forum may be able to lend their insight, so I’ll leave it open for now. :slight_smile:


As you pointed out, a lot of the social aspect of the game has changed over the years. As the game has aged, so has the player base. People are older and are more independent and self sufficient.

Personally, I think you get out of WoW what you put into it. If you are an introvert and don’t put yourself out there very much, you’re probably not going to get much back. On the other hand, if you’re an extrovert, you’re probably going to be able to make friends easily. Finding a guild where you fit in, have the same goals, and are like minded is key.

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This is very true, if you want more social stay away from the hard core guilds that want to push mythic raids. You would run into more independent players and less social. Plenty of guilds out there for people who wish to be social and even do raids and run mythic + dungeons.


I have been part of the same gaming community for over 10 years. My oldest toon in this particular chapter (we have both horde and alliance chapters, as well as other games) joined in 2018. But I mostly played alliance before that.

I do agree, the social aspect has changed. People have changed. Coming from a long established community, it’s been interesting to watch how the various groups changed. Some are more quiet, some are much more social. Yeah, I’m a nerd finding it all fascinating :stuck_out_tongue: Either way, there are guilds out there that will fit what you’re looking for. You just need to find them.


First off, I’d like to thank Vrakthris for letting me stick around as well as everyone who took some time to share their thoughts with me. I really appreciate every ones opinion and assistance on this.

Second, i know the vibe I’m looking for (mid tier players looking for fun > fast progression, mythic is out), and can be rather social, however while playing i never seemed to have a place to do so. Most players in the open world/dungeons were doing their own thing while most of the raid guilds were either already very established/clique-y or dead/imploding. Neither feels great and i kept finding myself going back to solo rather quickly. Communities might be the piece of the puzzle i was missing though i still have a few questions.

I read the articles linked and now know both how it works and what Blizzards intended use was for it. That said, those guides were from BFA and that was quite a ways back. I’m curious as to how the player base uses it now. Is it a system folks check every day or a dead tab unless you need something? A glorified lfg tool or a place where folks loiter and chat for fun? Do you have to hunt down specific groups or are they open to all to browse?

Maybe you should look for gamer groups that also play wow. I know there are some groups that people play not just wow. I know there are some older gamers around that might fit the bill.

I know some of these groups have been around for years.

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Well, with that, i think i have my answer. I’d like to thank everyone that gave a bit of time (or discretion) to help clarify the situation for me and hope that The War Within exceeds all of your expectations. =D