Question about the services channel

If I’m running m+ carries on my tank, and to join me you sign up on my twitch channel, am I allowed to advertise that in the services channel? (note that this is free, it’s just a random draw from viewers)

It’s considered advertising and will be reported by likely everyone at either Trade or Services channels. Players just don’t like to see that kind of thing there.


Yeah, I know that it was when this post was written 2 years ago, but that was long before the services channel that is directly used for advertising in game services, that’s why I was asking.

Yes, but advertising your twitch channel while advertising mythic+ runs is where you will run foul. Your twitch channel is not an in-game service.


No. Blizzard does not allow advertising of any third party sites, period. When they want to promote a streamer they do it through their official channels.

While that post was written a while ago, that is still accurate. Do not advertise or promote websites in chat, or group finders. If you get reported you will get a penalty.