Question about Shadowlands Pre-Purchase Refund and 120 Boost

So a little while ago I purchased the Shadowlands pre-order and used my 120 boost, however my financial situation changed shortly after and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to play for a while and had to focus on other stuff, a GM was very kind and gave me a refund.

My question is this: If I get to a point where I can play in the future, and I re-purchase Shadowlands, would I get a new 120 boost, or is it only reapplied to activate the character I’ve already boosted that is now locked?

Nope 1 boost per expansion that character will be available regardless you will have to buy any new boost.


When the Shadowlands expansion was refunded it locked the character that you applied the boost to. If you are able to return and purchase the expansion again, it should simply unlock that character. That is how it is designed to work at least.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Deleting a boosted character

2 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to transfer after boosting a character