Question about RP servers

On RP servers, RPers usually use an add on like TRP3 to “rename” their character to what they want. It doesn’t really matter so much what your OOC (out of character) name is, as long as it isn’t breaking TOS. The add ons can also list history, description details and other interesting tidbits.

RPers aren’t always 100% IC (in character). I’d say it’s more like they’re only IC when in an RP event or walking around a major city/RP hub to find pick up RP happening in the street or bar. There’s PvP and PvE, but not to the same extent you’ll find it on a PvP or PvE server. That doesn’t mean all RPers are scrubs. A lot of them are very good, but also choose to RP because it feels like not giving their character a personal story is missing out on part of the game.

There are different levels of RP. Light RP is more like taking your character to a bar and chatting. Medium is participating in guild RP storylines. Heavy is staying IC 100% of the time. Your mileage may vary on these descriptions, but this is a good basis for comparison.

RPers also tend to write IC stories and post them in places like Discord. They expand on their characters in other ways as well. Some will use face claims or theme music. Others don’t. Some have character art. None of that is required.

Non-RPers do exist on RP realms, but most are respectful of RP events and RPers. RP realms occasionally have faction wide or server wide events. Sometimes they involve PvP and sometimes not.

If you’re looking to try an RP server, go download an RP add on such as TRP3 or MRP (they’re compatible as far as reading), roll an alt and go watch some RP in a bar or RP event. If you like what you see, label yourself as a new RPer and look for a guild.

Unless your name is offensive or you’re out griefing rpers, no one is really going to care.

Cutting edge pve isn’t done in classic period. The world firsts happened 15 years ago. Anything that happens on a pve server is just irrelevant now.

Cons would be people constantly “in character”, not talking to you just person to person. I find it a bit much. I do appreciate the passion for the game, lore, fantasy, etc. that comes with RP, but I just want to talk people as people usually.

That’s not a thing on places like Moon Guard and Wyrmrest accord currently. Anyone that does that is like once in a blue moon. It’s a lemming. People usually know the difference between in character and out of character (in character means talking like you’re the character, and out of character is just being yourself).

And if you don’t have a RP addon installed, no one will walk up to you like that when in high traffic RP areas 99% of the time.

Doesn’t really happen. Trade chat, general chat and guild chat are all OOC. If you try to RP in trade chat, people are going to laugh you off the server.

Guilds can have an IC channel, but they still all talk OOC all the time.

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Unlike tabletop gaming, WoW doesn’t work really well for RP. For one thing, nobody stays dead. What you wound up with was mostly people talking about their character’s back stories. And unfortunately, my experience was too often someone working through some psychological issues playing them out through their characters. I’m not saying all RPers are “weird”, I ran tabletop D&D games for years, but people with issues naturally gravitate towards RP servers. So don’t let it shock you. You are not required to follow along with other people’s RP, especially in Goldshire.

Fantastic advice, I think I’ll do just that. Thanks for all the info. :slight_smile:

Untrue. People don’t stay dead in tabletop gaming all the time.

My first server was RP, and there was a bit of raiding going on there. Not super hardcore guilds on the horde side, but raiding will be available.

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RP communities are just like all the others… accept there are strict naming rules. Can’t be illidank.