RP communities are all the same across games. It is just the manner and style of RP that differs. PvP, PvE, and RP all have their own set of issues and drama and it’s just a matter of picking your poison.
If I didn’t RP, I would still choose my RP servers because of the more social aspect and just everyone knowing pretty much everyone and how they band together. Just look at the Tournament of Ages that was covered by WoWinsider a year or two back. They have even raised up to $3000 for charity so far this year and the week isn’t even over. And they do more than just RP for that event.
But if you’re into raiding, still go for the cutting edge servers because raiding here is always a month or more behind with only one or two guilds at the top.
Generally its the same as the other servers… but i find the RP servers have a friendlier and more social community … RP people are fairly good to create events… there still be plenty of people going for raiding, it might not be “harcore”…
i played on Argent Dawn NA back in the day, we cleared MC, BWL, got up to Ctun, and a few bosses in Naxx…
You also will get people with fun perks, one of our holy paladins, out right refused to use demonic/dark runes, but beside that, allways tried to compensate with pots, flasks, foods etc, and we managed …
RP servers also had a few stricter rules on how you could name your character, essentially if people flagged you and you were deemed having a non RPish name, you would have it force changed
Imo if you like writing (have that novel you never got to finish?), have characters you always wanted to explore (classic is going to be an amazing place to start RPing and exploring your character), and to over all feel like you are actually part of the story, then RPing and RP servers generally are pretty helpful of that. Especially if you do tabletop RPGs like D&D, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, Warhammer, etc- especially if you like Warhammer, considering WoW was suppose to be another Warhammer license.
I remember when I first started playing in Classic and my grandpa described his adventures, it sounded so magical and perfect. He played DOOM and Warhammer and when this came out, he went all in all immersive.
Just trying to confirm - on rp servers there is a naming convention that’s enforced but the in-character rp aspect isn’t?
I just want to make sure I have that right because a lot of you have made rp servers sound very enticing but I’m not sure have the attention span to make up a backstory etc and act it out. I’d be keen on the community aspect from what y’all have said but sometimes I just want to log on and hit a kobold with a stick for no deeper reason than an NPC told me to.
The only really noticeable difference between an RP server and a PvE server is that character and guild names can’t be immersion breaking.
You can’t name yourself ChuuckNorrriss on an RP server or create a guild named The Miley Cyrus Fan Club or you’ll get reported and have to change it. All names have to be at least arguably fantasy-themed.
No one on an rp server will force you to rp. If you want to that’s great, if you don’t, that is great too. Just don’t grief the events. Sometimes its fun to just go and watch!
Correct. There’s no rule saying a person who rolls on an RP realm must RP or even must have a backstory. (A couple of my good friends on Sentinels in Vanilla and TBC never once cared to RP. They’d joined with friends who did, but it wasn’t their schtick. One pursued BGs heavily. The other was a happily casual TBC raider with as bad a case of altoholism as mine.)
I’m going to be real with you all. I have a confession to make. I have several non-RP names on RP servers and none have been reported. It is usually just an angry person that you took a name they wanted or what have you. Because you can argue the name you chose is their alias/nickname and that it breaks your immersion with the name change because that is what they call themselves in-game.
As an example, I have the name Cynic. Anyone that doesn’t know the root word of Cynical or Cynicism won’t really pick up on it. But because the name Cynica was taken, I chose Cynic and in my 3rd party addon named TRP3, I have it corrected.
It can be the same for special characters in a name breaking someone’s immersion. Unless it’s outright offensive or trolly (as mentioned, mileycyrus), it usually won’t be reported. After all, it is only someone physically opening up a ticket to report your name that gets it any attention.
It’s actually become a competition of who can get the most unique, coolest non-RP name on some of the private servers. Whenever they free up old names, people post what names they grabbed. I have Hemomancy for my warlock, and Astrologist when I name changed from Horrific.
Honestly, that sort of ‘finesse’ isn’t what they’re caring about. Cynic is a word in Azeroth as much as Azerothian is, because they speak the same language as us through the magic of the Universal Translator. So while you may see Cynic, if you were actually raised in Azeroth, you may see it as Pochaba, because that’s the word for someone who always sees the worst in something.
But when someone is Usmcsniper or Yomamasofat, it is immersion breaking.
I had a gnome by the name of Cynikal. However, those aren’t blatant violations of the RP naming conventions. Usually the problem has to do with including references to modern technology or culture, or names that would have been skating on thin ice even on a PvP realm (someone mentioned Dairyair in another thread, which might get props as a homophone, but would be likely to be reported and up to Blizzard to make the call.)
I disagree with this completely. Why? Because players can report all the names they want, but it is Blizzard’s GMs who make the call. If a name change is the result, the problem isn’t some angry person - it is the name.
Yeah, I have never once reported a name I wanted, because I got my names. However, back in Vanilla (back when people cared) I probably reported dozens of names.
There’s a bunch of people that have word names like I do and they were flagged for a name change. They weren’t offensive or out of the game. They were regular words, like what I used as examples (not the rule). And there are people with --wordx that have been around for years without being flagged despite being ridiculous.
There’s rules against special characters in names as well as lore names and those stay. As I said, it’s all on if the names are reported. If no one reports the name, GMs don’t look at the names as you both have mentioned and as I have stated as well.
You can be unique with names and still match the naming convention. Most people could care less if you are not rping with them. If you did want to rp, or learn to, you might have to change a name, other than that, I see few that get flagged.
For instance, I saw a Tauren the other day named Kaogomuu. And I thought, “Nice name…wait a minute!” But I thought it was cute! I would not report such things on an rp server.
The only ones I dislike really are racist or homophobic or misonygistic.
As for run on sentences. I face palm at most of them, but do not report.