How do RP communities differ from that of normal realm communities?
You create a character and stay in it.
What have you Beckett of Goldshire.
There’s no universal answer. Different players will engage in RP in different ways.
To paint with a broad brush, I’d say PvE players are engaged in gameplay primarily, RP players are engaged in character and story, and PvP players are up to no good (kidding!).
Now, of course, every player is some mix of all of those characteristics, and can’t be pegged to only one category. And seeing as communities are even more complex than individuals, it’s not really possible to identify exclusive behaviors for each type of community.
Lixx, you dirty knave. Sleeping in the stables again, have you?
I’ve had curiosity about RP servers but have never played on one, so I’m interested in the OP’s question as well.
Maybe stated differently, what are the Pros and Cons about rolling on an RP server?
Normal servers are just PVP servers without the whole world killing eachother. So they’re more Lax. RP is more so you’re playing with the world around you. Making something out of the sand given to you. RP-PVP is more so just a blood bath on a beach, and everyone’s a mason.
Hope this helps.
RP communities have more casual communities and people socialize more. RP-PVP servers are usually the best experience. PVE servers are typically the worst.
I would never leave my trusty pet Bearbuttz alone, we’ve spilled much blood together and I hold myself no higher than he!
Would you say that there are still healthy raiding communities on RP servers?
Many a treacherous foe has fallen while my band of companions and I have grown our legend.
Raids take 3x the time because everyone is engaged in narrative and Shakespearean dialogue. Makes the raid more dramatic, yanno.
Aye, a good washin ye need before gracing the king with your lilly-livered presence. Keep the pet on a leash.
Yes, there are. You won’t be cutting edge hardcore like a PVP server. Most PVP servers have hardcore raiding guilds compared to Normal on average. But you can def find a no life raiding guild on a RP server.
This is in the top three reasons why I like rp pvp servers.
Generally an RP community attracts a mix of those who want to actually roleplay and those who don’t but have no issue with the stronger naming rules and the roleplaying of others around them.
There are multiple styles of roleplay:
- those who spend a lot of time in /say and /emote interacting with each other (face-to-face)
- those who use chat channels to interact and tell their story, while going about their business in the world and dungeons (channel RP)
- those who focus mainly on their own character and what they look like and think like and act like, and how they approach quests (character role playing)
Outside of those who join an RP realm to troll, most join with an eye toward thinking of Azeroth as a world, and playing as their character would interact with a world. That leads to a community that is a little more tilted toward appreciating the questing, the journey of leveling, the world design, rather than fixed on end-game goals and BiS lists.
All said, however, every community develops independently. Back when there were dozens of RP realms, each had its own unique flavor and style. I rolled on both Blackwater Raiders and Sentinels, but it was the Sentinels community I fit with. In later years many people moved to Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord, and I rolled alts there but never found as appealing a community. So there isn’t just one singular “what an RP community” is like.
Make a horde character on Tichondrius, or an Alliance on Sargeras. Listen to trade chat for about fifteen minutes.
Then go make a character on Wyrmrest Accord for Horde, or Moonguard for Alliance, and do the same thing. You’ll see the differences right away.
RP communities are generally more welcoming, nicer, more literate, and less likely to explode into politics or religion. Instead, we argue about SUPER IMPORTANT things like lore no one cares about.
I love RP communities. They’re such a breath of fresh air if you were an old school gamer.
You also won’t be stuck at the GY at Blackrock Mountain because your entire raid group got killed and lost all their world buffs.
Cutting edge PVE isn’t done on PVP servers.
Overall there will be some differences in the way people interact on some level but youll still find non RP guilds and players As long as you respect other people and how they play. There wont be any major issues.
Overall i think the community will be the most long lasting on the RP server overall as they can create there own entertainment with different events. I wouldnt expect it to be cutting edge. When i was on Malestrom during TBC even though we got server First many times it was the running joke of Months behind! Still that is not to say that it wont happen this time.
I think there are many people looking to escape the streamers and the overall outlook i hold is they are not going to roll on an RP server. Atleast none of the super sized communities. To that end it can be quite fun to RP as well when you arent PVPing or raiding.
It can go either way, if you want X Y Z item and you have to compete for it, you’ll find more competitive people on a PVP server then a PVE one. black Lotus is a good thing to point at. Although it is much easier to monopolize a PVE server then a PVP one.
I think rp server is basically the same. unless you find an rp group, you wont see difference