Question about my 6 month suspension

Hey hi! So i try 2 time to appeal and i dont think blizzard will reduce the penality.I just have a question.In 6 month am i 100% sure to recover my 18 years wow account?I read some very horrible story that ppl got suspended then after that permabanned…When my 6 month timer go to Zero do i recover immediately my account?Thanks!

You should be back in the game after the suspension expires with all your characters and items exactly as they were. Depending on the reason for the suspension, the only change might be items or gold that might have been obtained illicitly. Those would be removed.

You can continue to re-appeal and they’ll keep reviewing it. Eventually, though, they will say that the decision is final and further appeals will not be reviewed. At that point, you’d be at the end of the appeals process.



That very rarely happens to have an account perma banned instead of ending the suspension. More so I think with the 6 month ones, they are pretty sure you did something wrong but not might have known so. So giving you a last chance. Keep in mind at this point it would be very easy to get a Perma ban on that account.


Hi and thanks!I think i will let the appeal like this.I did share my account with my son and he lost the access after that to one of his friend so i did commit something.I dont want to appeal again and trigger something worse.Iam not playing the game competitively now because of a sight disease but my plan is farming achievements casually until playing game is not possible anymore.Thanks!

Unless they have specifically told you not to appeal anymore, keep appealing.

You broke the rules and an action was put on your account.

Should you break them again, the penalty may be stiffer. Penalties stack and never drop off, so be mindful of this fact.

Appealing through tickets is the only way to go as pointed out in your other thread that was locked 3 days ago:


What you can do is buy wow for cheap now and add it to your Wow Licence #2 (or something like that), all your achievements, mogs, mounts will be there you just have to lvl your character from 0. It’s same account so w/e. You just need to buy expansion and sub.

Your welcome.


Ho my god…I hope you are right…Tyvm iam looking at it.

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Im 100% right. Enjoy!


I would STRONGLY suggest you change the password on your account and set up secondary authentication on the account and your email if you have not already.

That will keep your son, and anyone else, out of your Battlenet account. Blizzard does not allow account sharing, and of course does not allow automation, cheating, exploiting, etc. Making sure nobody else is in your Bnet account should prevent any future issues for you!


Could you answer me this? Can i get suspended/banned if i change my VPN on my machine for Twitch Reward purposes for example, while I play wow? So i can get the US only rewards on my EU account?

Gmail is a good one to use! You can have the email tied to the google app on your smart phone. So would help keep anyone out, Yes make a new email address and use that for the account.

If your son is old enough and wants to play he should make his own account.

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VPNs are not against the rules, but neither are they supported.

So you’re allowed to use them, but if they cause lag or other connection problems, you’re on your own to solve them.


Keep in mind if you use a VPN like that it can make it seem like you have your own personal transporter and your teleporting around the world in record time. So using one can get your account red flagged for account sharing.

To them looks like you logged in lets say in Germany and then 2 hours later you login showing in New York. Well that will raise some alarm bells. Best if you do something like that you stay logged off enough time it will not look like your teleporting.


As others have mentioned, they aren’t against the rules on their own. That said, if they see you logging in, blipping across the world, logging in somewhere else, that looks a lot like multiple people accessing the account.


As others have correctly answered, a VPN alone is not against the rules, but it is not supported and if it trips up any of the anti-cheat systems you get to wait out the appeals.

Blizzard IS aware people use VPNs though for things other than cheating - it is decent security too. If you use one, select ONE and stick to that one. Use it all the time so that your IP does not appear to be teleporting faster than physics will allow.


Blizzard will be able to tell it’s the same computer in all locations.

Now, if you were on your desktop, then used a VPN to connect in with a laptop you hadn’t used before, that’s more likely to raise an account sharing flag.