Question about how transfers work

Hello =)

I have two main wow licenses (i guess that’s what they are, accounts maybe? like wow 1 and wow 2) under my main blizzard account. LK (Shortened name!) is my main account where I play retail, and WLK is my old account from 2004. I was thinking of upping the sub on WLK to play classic while I farm herbs and ore in retail (adhd brain at it’s best ><) but I was wondering if at some point I want my classic characters on my main account (LK) would I be able to move them to it?

Sorry if I worded that horribly lol, I couldn’t think of a way to word it better.

Character transfers between licenses are not currently available for Classic Era or Classic Progression, I’m afraid.


Here are the Char transfer restrictions. You CAN transfer from one game licence to another as long as both are on the same Battlenet account under your email. However, there are lots and lots of things you need to check first before trying it. Some classic realms can’t do transfers.


Thank you both!