Question about Epic Edition for the War Within

I have not played in years, just came back and subbed a few days ago or so.

If I purchase the Epic Edition of the War Within that comes with 30 days of game time, does that get added to my current time, or is it a wash?

EDIT: Also, does the traders tender stack with what I have now? This is a completely new system to me.

Thank you in advance for your help.

This would be your answer to the time on your account.

If you mean if you get more then the box say? Kind of. Let, if you get this month’s and the upgrade, the both stack. But it doesn’t stack, for the sake of feature readers, if you brought the base game then upgraded it, they don’t stack, you only get it once from the upgrade to the game.

EI: If you brought the base TWW then upgraded to the Epic form of TWW, you don’t get more tenders.

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Thank you.

I have not purchased the War Within at all. The last expansion I played was Battle for Azeroth.

I did get my trader tenders this week and bought some cool stuff. I like the system (big fan of transmog), just wanted to ensure that the War Within purchase would also grant the traders tender on top of what I got in game.

Thank you for your help!

You will get the difference between the Base edition (500 Tenders) and the Epic Edition (1000 Tenders), so that means you would get an additional 500 Tenders. That then brings you to the 1000 Tenders max for the Battle Net account from the purchase of The War Within expansion.


Heroic Edition

Also includes an additional 250 Trader’s Tender (750 in total) to use in the Trading Post.

Epic Edition

Also includes an additional 250 Trader’s Tender (1000 in total) to use in the Trading Post.
