Question about Covenant Cosmetics and Alts

I have a second paladin I put in Night Fae but he isn’t even max level yet. I intend on getting him leveled eventually but I did the Night Fae campaign on my two druids, mage, and hunter already so I am not in a rush to do it again just yet lol.

I like the look of the Necrolord Leather. The Mail set looks derpy on a Goblin, but that’s the charm of it. I love the Night Fae Plate. I’m not super in love with any of the Cloth sets, but that could be I have a lot of great outfits for my Warlock already.

Well, you’re undead, that makes sense.

This character is my main and renown 80 with all the covenants.

I have one renown 46 mage i did the nightfae campaign on to unlock the night fae cloth. My level 48 warlock, who is not in a covenant is capable of transmoging the fae cloth set.

So one character with renown 80 for the covenant and then you can just run an alt of each armor type through only the campaign to unlock the campaign outfit.

i’m currently running one of each armor type through just the stories for all the outfits

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Awesome, thanks Whelptress!

Can we get campaign sets unlocked regardless of who did it now???

Doing each covenant 4 times, and having 4 covenants to do makes it 16x… That’s too much

1x through should unlock Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate regardless of who did it.

Sadly, if they haven’t changed it by now it’s unlikely to ever be changed at this point. It’s maddening.

If you think you dislike it now, wait until you try Path of Ascension.