Question about buying AOTC

“Perky Pugs, or Friendship Dragon? Just curious.”

I can’t recall, sorry. When I get online Ill check my Discord and see if I can find the note.

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to answer this… yes they do in fact do jsut this… cloak healps a bit but you pretty much tag the first big addon during phase one of Nzoth and then jsut die and you get loot. its how i got it done

“Thank you. Friendship Dragon requires the Cloak, so I’m thinking maybe Perky Pugs don’t. Those are the only two that I know of, on discord.”

I purchased Argus AotC with gold back in Legion, they just had all the paying players tag the boss and then intentionally die. Assuming it’s the same way now I wouldn’t expect them to care about gear.

Yes its not Friendship Dragon; I checked PPugs and I can’t even find the listing of requirements at all. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. I felt sure I’d read about the cloak but perhaps I had a mind fluff… :sunglasses:

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This is definitely not true, all you have to do is tag the boss and jump off or we just kill you, there is no certain point that you have to reach to get credit for it…the only requirement is that you are there, with or without the cloak.


Yeah the groups I see are usually just “Tag boss and then stand here to die”. I don’t think there are any requirements

“Perky Pugs run Ally Groups, so if your main is Ally, then they would be your choice, of the two. I don’t know if there are others, but you could have run across one I don’t know of.”

“My Retail Main is Horde, so I have never used Perky Pugs.”

Perky Pugs also does some Horde-side runs. Alternatively, there’s this:


“Friendship Dragons is doing donations for St. Jude’s. I love it when they do stuff like that.”

good luck OP hope you get your AOTC mount! I also have an unhealthy desire for drake and dragon related mounts. :crazy_face: :heart:


“I just HAD to have it, because not only is it a Dragon, it is a PURPLE Dragon!”

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It’s worth noting that you have to run the nazjatar intro quests before you can start the cloak questline. For a fresh 120 with no catch-up gear the assault zones can be pretty brutal, but are soloable if you’re patient, or if you do them during prime time and just jump into other people’s kills.

I just wanted to add that you can do the assaults by flying around and just doing the bonus objectives. I think 5 of those mini objectives completes the assault.

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Hmm, fair enough :man_shrugging:t4:

I won a perky pugs run and they required the cloak.

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Not entirely true. My group carried somebody without a cloak. We just made sure that he was the one to pull the boss. He did instantly go insane, but he did get credit for the fight.

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I remember seeing the post in wowhead, and they did require the cloak, but nothing higher than level 1.

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“I think the reason that both Perky Pugs and Friendship Dragon require the cloak, if only at level 1, is because they carry more than one at a time. Friendship Dragon do runs with at least 20 carries at a time, so they can’t guarantee everyone can target and pull, so they want you to stay active long enough to hit him once, at least.”

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