Question about buying AOTC

I have an unhealthy desire for drake and dragon-related mounts. I haven’t been raiding at all in BFA, but darn it, I want that Drake mount.

Are there any requirements gear wise when buying a AOTC? Is a certain gear level needed? Do I have to have the cloak? Can they just bring in for the final boss, let me die in the first few seconds, and I’ll still get the drake?

Also, just to verify, it’s still possible during pre-patch, yes?

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That depends entirely on who is carrying you.

For some groups you’ll need gear, experience, and to contribute.
Some will want you to die and wait.



Nope no requirements at all. And they are selling for like 50k right now. Make sure you buy from a reputable guild or community


You definitely need the cloak, or you don’t make it far enough into the fight to get credit.

Otherwise, find a reputable group and get the details from them. The vast majority will have you run in, hit a mob, and jump off a cliff to stay out of the way while they kill the boss.

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It can depend on the team but if it’s from a reputable guild this is usually the situation. You bring the gold and we’ll figure it out from there.

Hit up the Perky Pug’s for raffle carries too if you dont’ want to pay for it.


Use Perky Pugs. They literally give AotC away for free. A guildie of mine just got their name pulled for a couple of days ago


Look up PerkyPugs discord. They are doing it for free but they choose ppl based on a raffle/draw. It’s called FriendshipDragon.

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Yes, I heard about them. I read you need to get a level 1 cloak though, is that difficult to obtain?

Also, 50k-100k isn’t exactly breaking the bank.

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hit add when boss fight starts, jump off edge, what we tell people to do

couple hours of questing

That doesn’t make sense. If you’re paying for a carry the group shouldn’t need you to do anything except show up and give them gold. If they need your help than it sounds like they’re bad and shouldn’t be in the business of selling carries.

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Some groups are shady, absolutely.





I’m not sure. better safe than sorry on this one.

yep :slight_smile:


100% this. don’t pay a group that expects you to contribute for a heroic n’zoth kill.

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You actually dont need the cloak so long as you are the one that pulls. Our community has gotten two people their dragon this way. It is highly recommended that you do have the cloak, but if you can find a group willing to let you pull (and put up with having to kill you when you go insane immediately) then it is theoretically possible.

if you’re paying you just have to be there, you tag the big ugly add then hop off the edge and the rest is taken care of. nothing required of you.

Does the cut-scene still us my character? cause that would be kinda hilarious.

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Getting your cloak is like an hour or 2 and not particularly difficult (Especially if you bring in a friend) Plus if 2 hours saves you 50-100k, that’s one hell of a gold farm.

When I bought mine, they told me to jump off the edge and die.

True, but can you also go straight from dinging 120 to getting your cloak? I do have benthic gear on one guy.

It’s more of a time commitment than anything, but you can do it over multiple play sessions.
Hardest part is killing invasion bosses if you play at odd hours.