Quest: Survivor's Guilt shows on map but not inside Foundation Hall

Simply that. I had completed the previous quest from Alleria to go to Hallowfall on my main and today, the quest shows on my Dornegal map and on the side bar where campaign quests and other quests are listed but isn’t present inside the Foundation Hall.


I’m having the same problem.

I’ve found a solution for myself. I went back on an alt that has completed all the campaign quests, did the one in Hallowfall for Alleria and was able to get the quest from Khadgar. My guess is the game isn’t/isn’t able to count that the quest was done on one member of your warband and allow a different member to continue.

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Same here.

Im having the same problem here… I did all the quests with my main, and I skipped the campaign with my alt… the quest appears on the alt in Dorgonal but there is no NPC… and on my main that I did all the quests, this new quest doesn’t even appear.

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Ty this helped!

Apparently, the main campaign quest line and the Lingering Shadows quest line are considered separate quest chains, and you have to complete both on the same character in order to see Khadgar in Dornogal for the final chain.

Edit - can confirm that this is what worked for me to make Khadgar available to start the final chain, Survivor’s Guilt.

Another thing Microsoft has broken. Always glitches and bugs. No fixes. Like this expansion is all about Warbands but you can’t complete them on alts. Only your main which is completely stupid and shouldn’t be this way. But they want our money but no fixes for bugs 24/7

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Found out if you missed even one step of the main campaign, or you had an alt choose to skip the campaign You can not get the quest. So all my alts cannot choose to do it.

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So , literally nobody can move forward in the story line because an ALT skipped? … Le Sigh ( facepalm)

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