Character: Russ-Malygos
Quest: Stewards of a Feather
Issue: Captured Forgehands not spawning or sometimes spawning but not able to be interacted with/rescued.
Same thing happened to me. They Captured Forgehands are just standing there and cannot be rescued. I think it is preventing new ones to be spawned.
Same thing is happening to me. Any fix?
After a short 45 minutes others respawned and could be interacted with.
It’s just more bugs.
I’m having the exact same issue on this quest. Got four freed, and can’t interact with any more. Abandoned and re-grabbed quest, now i can’t seem to free more than one. Very frustrating to say the least given it’s part of the campaign progression questline…
Same issue. I actually rescued one before even starting the quest, just being click-happy as if it was a world quest. I’d guess you can only rescue 5 and if you rescue one early that’tags’ one of your available rescues, for some time at least. So if you abandon and pick back up, have to wait for some cooldown to rescue again.
So I found a fix that worked for me on the remaining 4 of 5 I had.
I you aggro ANYTHING while trying to free the steward they will just stand there and be unclickable. But in every case where I cleared some room, pulled the mob away from its spawn point and killed it without anything else (pats, whiney little yellow stewards, etc.) being involved it was 100% clickable.
And it didn’t matter what adds I had running.
This is still an issue. I am having the same problem. I’m stuck on 3/5.
I had the same issue. Not chaining other mobs after being freed seemed to help. Sometimes I would bubble once the initial jailer was killed to click and “free” the steward before finishing off the rest of the group.
I’m still having the same problem to today. I can’t believe it is not patch yet.
Had the same issue today.
Cannot interact with NPC.
Half an hour later after grinding mobs around the NPC an interactable NPC spawned in the same place as the broken NPC.
Then after finishing the quest line, I was not able to turn in the quest to Mikanikos because he disappeared …
I had to go to Elysian Hold and return for Mikanikos to spawn.
We’re in March guys …
still. i’m stuck at 4/5 for almost an hour now…
Also stuck on this quest.
I was able to get to 4/5. The fifth refuses to become interactable. 2/5 struggled with this, but the other one became interactable a moment after I killed the Praetorian Artificer that spawned and chained himself to the Captured Forgehand.
Then I dropped the quest and re accepted. The one broken Forgehand was still up. But the ones I was able to gather before had not respawned.
I’ll try again tomorrow.
i was fortunate to have been in a dungeon queue that popped right after posting here… when i came back, there were several back up.
either they have ridiculously long respawn times, or the change of phasing helped me get new respawns when i phased back from the instance. who knows…
good luck!
Same issue STILL not patched! 4/5 then bugged.
Still bugged
Still bugged. Can’t even get one freed.
Edit: Managed to complete it. Seems if you kill the one it’s chained to and the surrounding enemies you should be able to click him to free him.
This is still bugged. Come on Blizz, this was reported back in Dec of last year.
After reading this thread, I also got stuck on this quest. I got to 4/5 stewards and couldn’t interact with any more. I dropped the quest, hearthed to Oribos, returned to pick up the quest, and was able to finish. Some of the old stewards I couldn’t interact with that were bugged were still standing there, but there were new ones up. I hope this helps. This is an unfortunate quest to bug since it is part of the Kyrian covenant campaign.
Still bugged 1/06