Quest status icons missing

A picture is worth a thousand words, but I cannot attach a picture here. on-screen quest list for all of my characters except one show the blue icon with arrows around it indicating a repeatable quest, or question mark, as appropriate, etc. However, one character shows no indicators to show whether a quest is a standard quest, a repeatable quest, complete or not, or the shield indicating it is a campaign-related quest. How can I get this back?

Lets try a few things. Click on the small scroll icon next to your map (the circle on your main screen that shows your location in the world). The Scroll Icon is right next to the Name of the Zone and the Server Time. Are the options for Low Level quests and Warband Completed Quests checked? Once I know whether they are active or not, I can see what else can be done to help you if that didn’t do it.

To add to this:

Trivial Quests you want checked so it tracks. Trivial quests are anything really not in the current expansion (thus low level) and is off by default.

Warband Completed you actually want unchecked. With it checked, it will not show any quests already completed by your Warband. It’s intended use is to keep clutter at bay when playing alts you have no desire to do any quests with. I’m unsure if it’s on or off by default.

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Wonderful feedback, however it appears you assume I have tried nothing and am cying out for help without even trying the obvious. Not the case. Nothing in-game helps. I have tried everything, inlcuding a scan and repair, a reset to defaults, which irritatingly cleared all of my keybinds and settings from ALL of my characters. None of my other characters are having this problem, only the ONE. Because it only effects ONE toon, I expect it is a setting not immediately apparent. I also have a second machine with WoW installed that I have not used since before this problem started, so I logged in on it and the problem followed the character, so it isn’t a client-side issue. I expect this to never get resolved, but there are add-ons to bypass this type of thing and change the UI for quest lists. looks like I will need to pursue one of those options.

Unfortunately the response would have been because the original post did not mention things you might have already tried. My response would probably have mentioned a UI reset, rather then full nuclear options such as reinstalls. You can do it in such a way as to save the old folders, by renaming just the 3 common folders, then rename them back if it turns out to not help.

You did not mention the character, was it the posting character, or a different one? What area are you looking in? What quests do you think are missing?


What is obvious to one person is not so obvious to another. Unfortunately, we really have no way to know what counts as obvious steps for you. So common troubleshooting it is!

You listed a bunch of steps you had taken but you did not mention if you had verified that Trivial Quests are check marked and that Warband Completed is unchecked. Is that the case on the character in question?


I’m sorry Thuvia. I wasn’t trying to to come off as insulting. Let me put it to you in this light. I’ve made the exact same mistake which I suggested to you; myself in the past, and so I simply wanted to rule out the most obvious solution before looking into it deeper.

I know that when a person is frustrated and angry by something, sometimes the most obvious of solutions can be the correct one that was overlooked in the heat of the moment. Give me a little time to look into this and I’ll see what else I can do to help you.

I assume you have done so already, but have you tried clearing your WTF folder and Interface yet? It could be that something is fouling up in there (though if someone with more knowledge on this subject than I has another idea, feel free to jump in).

Anyways, keep me posted and if I can I’ll help you. All the best and have a great day.