Quest: Following the Curse

I don’t think you can even do that. My character, at least, is stuck in limbo with more artifacts because this artifact quest is in mid-stride, and stuck, obviously.

bump - come blizz helps us we needs the precious

You can’t. You’re stuck. You can still do the area quests but you have to travel manually. It appears the zones still offer their quests.

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Same results here, please fix :slight_smile:

Still bugged for me, guess I’ll go to Teldrassil and start lvling through vanilla. Going to submit a report still, in case more submissions will actually get them to fix it.

Same logged out and re-tried it, then came to the forums. Hopefully they fix it before next expansion but not going to hold my breath.

Same here!

This article has been updated.

We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. While our developers are working to resolve the underlying issue, you may want to contact Customer Support. Provided we can verify that you were impacted by this, we may be able to assist.

Ill try it when I can and report back.

Have just logged in and submitted my ticket as per the support article.
Average wait time: 3D 7H

Edit/Update 2:
Auto response received to advise trying all the things I have already tried, and am sure you have all tried.

Time waiting for response: 4H
New avg wait time: 3D 14H

Edit/Update 3:

Time waiting for response: 20H
New avg wait time: 1D 20H

Edit/Update 4:
I received contact from GM while I was offline:

Hello xxxx,
I am Game Master xxxx and I am here to check this situation for you.
I understand this can be frustrating, trying to complete “Following the Curse” and not being able to ! I feel you !
After some verifications, I realised that this quest needs to be “Ready To Turn In” on our side and it was !
So now, you should go to where you need to go to hand it in =)

I progressed the quest to where it bugged out, went to Darkshire and logged out.
This left the quest in the “Ready To Turn In” status to enable this server side progression from support.

I have now completed the quest and have the Apacalypse DK artifact weapon.

Time waiting for resolution: 1D 12.5H

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Same issue, found 3 other people at the same spot with the same bug. Rip my Death Knight gobo I made to unlock Highmountain Tauren.

yep, still broken. Made a new unholy this evening

I received the auto response to the ticket as well. They shouldn’t assume that people submitting tickets haven’t tried those things already, because that’s just going to piss off the people who try to resolve problems before asking for help. They should just make the people who need that advice wait in line for a human response.


to save you some disappointment ive already been through the process and was given no help. i even asked if they could auto update my quest to just the following step and was told no, they cant do that.

Unfortunately i think our only option is to wait as customer service is not their forte anymore.

My fiance just had a GM auto complete this step for him and move him forward to the next step in the questline. I’m waiting on a personal response for my druid now and I hope they do the same…

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A GM did exactly what you requested for my fiance, maybe it’s just luck of the draw on if you get a good GM to help or not?

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how did you get this helps

He opened a ticket through the site, not in-game. It was a ticket for an in-game issue for ‘stuck on a quest’

If it isn’t fixed this patch (Which I am doubting it will be) I will try that. I haven’t bothered with a site ticket because of the in game tickets getting ignored. Thanks for the info!

Yeah just checked after the patch, no difference at all. I also tried the site ticket but only got an auto-response email. Guess my poor little gobo will be put on hold for now.

still broken 5 days later lmao…tried getting my unholy artifact like 5 mins ago and ariden is gone and revil is following instead of leading

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yep, still broken :c