Quest chain Keep Them On Task

The quest Keep Them On Task shows on my map, a nice big yellow exclamation point, which leads onto this:

Continuing the discussion from Ready to give up:

Someone was noting how confusing it is to unlock the new races, I cannot even find this one quest. I have read up on it, looked at videos, gone to the spot where Baine is and lo and behold, no quest.

Did I progress too far or not far enough into the War Campaign? Not unlock something needed or unlock too much? The quest is on my map, but it is not there where it should be.

I find it confusing simply trying to find your way around quest chains and what part you are missing. I have an addon in game called BTWQuests, it shows quest chains an what I need to do, which I will look at soon, but why do I need to rely on addons, Wowhead comments or watching videos to progress through the content Blizzard are giving us?

So many times in game before I got this addon I got lost, missed picking up a quest, missed talking to someone, missed picking up an item and needed to read mountains of comments, than backtrack and fill in the gaps to continue.

Put some sort of built in guide in game that will assist us in what way to go and what we are missing rather than relying on outside assistance to play your game.

On that note, I am about to go to bed so if anyone can give some insight on why Baine is not offering the quest it would be great.

Because Baine has become a traitor and joined the Alliance.

Jokes aside, I am not sure on why you can’t get the quest though. But this is BfA, there is a lot bugs that gets reported but never gets fixed, especially with some quest in the War Campaign. But the devs seem to be more focus on classic than the live game.

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I’m confused… you don’t want to rely on an addon or other players’ experiences to help you on a particular quest, but you would like to rely on a built-in guide that helps you on a particular quest.

A quest shouldn’t have everything laid out for you in a nice list of steps. At that point it’s no longer a quest, it’s just a to-do list.

I would rather Blizzard give us some assistance rather than rely on addons, without addons all we do is run around in circles or head to external sources to find out what to do next.

Take for example our artifacts. Without any assistance we would have zero knowledge the additional skins even exist and how to get them, one day they would just show up, great, but nothing to work towards than.

Here I am trying to finish my quests, but the quest is not there, there is no information in game about what to do to progress, I have to look at external sources as a guide, why should I have to rely on outside assistance? And yes, I have to since the quest is on the map, but on on the person.

Sometimes a quest is bugged. I had my Pandaran choose a faction, but he was unable to turn in the quest after he was ported from the island. A question mark was shown on the map, but there was no NPC. So, I put in a ticket.

It took a day, but a game master completed the quest for me. The funny thing is, it’s still a bit bugged because now the NPC appears and follows my Panda around whenever he’s in the city. Since it’s not really a big deal, I didn’t bother reporting that.

I also had trouble with my DH getting phased even though he did all the quests he needed to do. Again, I had to resort to a ticket to get things fixed.

My point is, if you’ve really tried everything and the NPC isn’t there for you, put in a ticket and see if they can figure out what went wrong.